V Try U Buy - Iced Coffee Pt 2

May 07 2014.

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It may not be the most conducive of a weather to be drinking Iced Coffee, but we don’t suppose an Iced Coffee suggestion can possibly go to waste, ever! Green Cabin, a repeatedly disappointing venue on this column, somehow won us over and restored their good old name as the better pastry shop in town. Alongside Tasty Caterers they served good Iced Coffees, both satisfactory pastry shop fares. Hansa Coffee was the absolute treat since the Iced Coffee Shake they served came with a delightful twist of a shake with ice cream, and is perfect since it comes at an affordable Rs.190; a sum you would find is well worth spending on a unique and faultlessly done Iced Coffee. Check out our ratings, and let us know what you think had you already tried out their Iced Coffees. And even though we couldn’t feature the iced coffees from Paan Paan and the Charcoal.Gallery.Café, we must make a mention of them because they’re excellent. 

Iced Coffee Shake with Ice Cream (small) - Hansa Coffee (24, Fife Road, Colombo 05)

Price - Rs.190
Value for money - high
Taste - *****
Variety - They also serve normal iced coffee, black iced coffee, iced coffee with vanilla ice cream, Thai iced coffee and an espresso iced coffee.   
Overall - A refreshing blend perfected with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. We ordered a small glass and found it to be perfect in its consistency, not too creamy and that familiar flavour, only better. Iced coffee is a beverage that goes unnoticed in Colombo, unless it’s made at home but we really had to mention that Hansa Coffee is possibly the only establishment we’ve found so far that has such a wide range of iced coffee on their menu. Definitely our favourite pick this week.

Iced Coffee - Tasty Caterers (88, Fife Road, Colombo 05)

Price - Rs.80
Value for money - average
Taste - ***
Variety - None
Overall - Revisiting an old favourite at this pastry shop, and ideal to wash down a pastry or meal. For Rs.80, you get a medium sized glass filled to the brim with iced coffee just enough for one. It’s just the right amount of chilled and it’s slightly stronger in flavour.

Iced Coffee - Green Cabin (453, Galle Road, Colombo 04)

Price - Rs.60
Value for money - average
Taste - ****
Variety - None
Overall - Sold in sealed plastic cups, this ever popular brand of iced coffee has been a staunch favourite despite constant disappointments in terms of quality of food at Green Cabin. Not too thick and creamy, it’s nice, light, chilled and refreshing any time of day.


By Sarah Kellapatha and Nivedha Jeyaseelan


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