TSC - Easy Marshmallow Pudding

Sep 04 2015.

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The Startup Cook – Easy Marshmallow Pudding (S’mores)!  
Marshmallows are perhaps the most underrated sweet treats in the world. Often it has been provided with the exclusivity of being a children’s favourite. Such limitation has disqualified these fluffy little pillows from competing in the dessert race. 
Championing the cause for Marshmallows, S’mores (dubbed as Marshmallow Pudding) is one of those desserts that definitely please both kids and adults alike. It’s soft, chocolaty and crunchy at the same time, almost like rocky road but except it’s in the medium of pudding. Yum! 
Furthermore, it requires only few ingredients and can literally be whipped up almost instantly.  Perfect for the times when those pesky guests and their brood turn up unannounced. Marshmallows to the rescue indeed! 
¾ cup of chocolate chips (or 100g of chopped cooking (dark) chocolate)
9 - 10 digestive biscuits
15 – 17 marshmallows
5tbs of butter  
Preheat the oven to 175 Celsius. Prepare a baking dish and set it aside. 
Place the biscuits in a zip lock bag, crush it and set it aside. Extract two tablespoons of crushed biscuits and set it aside separately. 
Add the butter in to mixing bowl, whisk until it becomes smooth and fluffy. 
Fold the crushed biscuits in to the butter and whisk for a few seconds. 
Place the crushed biscuits on the prepared dish, press to form a solid base. 
Add the chocolate chips on top of the crushed biscuits. 
Place the marshmallows on top of the chocolate chips and press down gently with a spatula. 
Scatter the remaining two tablespoons of crushed biscuit on top of the marshmallows. 
Bake for 10 – 15 minutes. 

Disasters, Warnings and Tips  
This needs to be eaten semi warm.  Heavennnnnnnn... 
Chop the cooking chocolate while it’s cold. But do not return it to the fridge after doing so. 
You can use margarine instead butter. 
The final scatter of crushed biscuits is optional of course. 
I wish we had pure white marshmallows in Sri Lanka like they do abroad. It is so pretty when they melt. 
My friend Thirsha is the biggest the fan of this pudding. 
The chocolate chips were a kind donation by my sister Fari. 
If you’re refrigerating the pud, remember to reheat before serving. 
What is with this heat? I get a heat stroke sitting under the fan! 
This pudding will serve two greedy people. 
By Shazzana Hamid


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