The Startup Cook – Cookie Dough Fudge
Indulging in cookie dough is just one of those compulsory activities one has to engage in when baking a batch of cookies. Cookie dough is one of those oddly conjured up raw foods that surprisingly tastes amazing before it is cooked and of course even after. Whenever there is batch of cookies in the making I always compliment myself if it actually makes it to the oven – I LOVE cookie dough.
However being oven-less for a while has made me miss this delicious dough. I have missed it so much that I have combined Nigella Lawson’s Fudge recipe (minus the pistachios) and a recipe I found on about.com and made this yum sweet treat. It takes only a minimal amount of your time, and combines the best of both worlds – chocolate and cookie dough.
Need I say more?
1 can of condensed milk (390g)
350 g of cooking chocolate (dark)
1 cup of flour
½ cup of chocolate chips
7 tbs of butter
2 tbs of brown sugar
2 tbs of milk
2 tsp of vanilla essence
Place the sugar and five tablespoons of butter in a large mixing bowl, whisk until it becomes light and fluffy.
Add the flour to the mixture and whisk for a few seconds.
Then include the milk and a teaspoon of vanilla to the mixture and whisk until all ingredients are well incorporated.
Fold the chocolate chips in to the batter.
Make teaspoon size balls with cookie dough and place it in the freezer.
Pour the condensed milk in to a sauce pan.
Add two tablespoons of butter and the chocolate to it and place the saucepan on a low flame.
Stir the mixture continuously and melt the chocolate in to the condensed milk.
Pour the remaining vanilla essence in to the mixture and stir.
Once the three ingredients have merged well together, take the fudge mixture off the heat.
Leaving a few behind, dump most of the cookie dough balls in to the fudge and do a quick stir.
Pour fudge in to a square baking tin.
Place the remaining cookie dough balls on top of the hot fudge.
Let it cool for about 15 minutes and then refrigerate for at least four hours.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
It's chocolate and cookie dough, the combination is ethereal.
If you want to lick the residue of the tin of condensed milk, do so with a spoon and not your finger. Condensed milk tins cut!
Evidently the cookie dough balls I made were larger than a teaspoon size ball. But it was still yum.
Am I the only one who finds this weather really chilly?
I lessened the amount of sugar required for the cookie dough for obvious reasons, do increase it if you wish.
Add teaspoon of coffee black coffee to the chocolate for a powerhouse chocolate taste.
Don’t worry if it doesn’t set, serve it as cookie dough chocolate fudge pud.
I am still oven-less. I do not know how much I can take of this.
Text and photographs by Shazzana Hamid