The Startup Cook – Chocolate Chip Mug Cake
The past two weeks have been hectic. When it is not work, it is the seasonal shopping (which at times I must admit is as tedious at work) that takes up my time. Either way I am definitely tired these days, especially after a good twelve hour shift I look for a little pick-me-up.
To be honest, on a day like that I cannot be bothered sweating over a hot stove or waiting for the oven bell to ring. I need and want a super fast delicacy such as this awesome mug cake. Now since I am being honest, I might as well admit that this recipe was found with the greatest difficulty. Thus after having tried three other chocolate chip mug cakes that were an absolute disaster, this little blessing from www.sweetestkitchen.com did the trick.
As every mug cake is, this too is a very straightforward recipe that takes about five minutes of your time and is really very delicious.
3 tbs of flour
1 tbs of butter
1 tbs of brown sugar
1 1/2 tbs of milk
1 egg yolk
1-2 tbs of chocolate chips
½ tsp of vanilla essence
Place the butter in the mug and melt it in the microwave for about 10 seconds.
Add the sugar to it and whisk.
Then add the egg yolk and vanilla to the mixture and whisk.
Add the flour to it and whisk briskly.
Whilst whisking, pour in the milk and whisk until a thick batter has formed.
Fold the chocolate chips in to the dough.
Place the mug in the microwave and heat for one minute.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Eat this warm. Yum!
This is one of those pin it on your fridge recipes.
Ensure that the butter isn’t heated until boiling point.
If there are small bits of butter still remaining, just stir it until it melts.
This is one of those pin it on your fridge recipes.
The consistency has to be in sort of a cookie dough form and not runny.
Sigh. Tis the season to be broke.
I had to try three recipes before I got this one - imagine the amount of chocolate chips that were wasted? I am tearing as I type this.
Use your instinct here; if you feel that the dough is a little too thick add a little more milk.
Chopped cooking chocolate functions well as chocolate chips.
Text and photographs by Shazzana Hamid