Top calorie burners

Mar 20 2013.

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While packing on muscle is a concern for men, losing fat is a common predicament that men and women face on common ground and it's always a good idea to incorporate an amount of cardio work in your day to day lives.
Losing fat isn't something that happens over night and it's always advisable to start sooner than later when it comes to managing your weight. Workouts and gym schedules tend to be the first things to fly out the window when life gets tedious and work gets stressful, the solution is possibly to try and incorporate your workout into your life in the form of a leisure activity that you'll be motivated to make time for.
Here's a list of activities that on average burn the most amount of calories in a given time period.
Swimming (500-800 calories per hour)
Who doesn't fancy a dip after a hard day of work? That's exactly why swimming doubles up as a perfect workout in addition to being a rejuvenating leisure time activity that needn't be stressful nor tiring. Swimming is a popular pass time of many individuals and also work on core muscles and shoulders.
Take a swimmer's physique for example, the wide shoulders and narrow waist are a result of the resistance training and the cardio activity that is part and parcel of a swim. An hour of swimming three to four days a week should keep your cardio requirement fulfilled. 
Jogging (550 - 900 calories per hour)
This one shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering that the first thing which springs to mind when cardio is brought up is jogging. There's a reason that jogging has continued to remain one of the most popular methods of keeping fit. Jogging in addition to being an efficient fat burning method also helps in keeping you healthy.
The benefits of jogging include respiratory system efficiency, strengthening of leg muscles and core muscles and so much more. The downside of jogging is how tedious the exercise is but modern day conveniences have put us in the safety of air conditioned gyms and the comfort of treadmills which both help in making up for how tedious the activity is. 
Tennis (600 – 900 calories per hour)
Tennis and other racket sports have a specially crafted system for being extremely efficient calorie burners, the stop-go-stop motion is a brutal workout for anyone engaged in the sport and the added benefit is the enjoyment that is derived from the sport itself. The only downside is that it might not be advisable to get into the sport if you have injuries in your ankles, knees, hips, back etc. 
Tap Rugby (600 – 900 calories per hour)
Tap rugby is the team equivalent of playing tennis and it’s a lot more fun considering that there are more people involved. Tap rugby is one of those workouts that literally make your work pleasurable. Guaranteed you won’t even feel the hours passing. The important thing is to make sure you don’t develop any injuries or face accidents, aside from that the game is a simply delightful way of losing some calories.
Skipping (700 – 1100 calories per hour)
I know you’re thinking skipping in place hardly sounds like a lot of fun but what it lacks in stimulation it makes up for by the high caloric expenditure and the shapely legs that will be the result. Throw on your playlist and skip, it’s sure to make quick work of your calories and kilos. 
Running (900 – 1500 calories per hour)
Walking and jogging are great, but upping your pace will mean more calories burned and more toning of your muscles. Running is ideal in that it works every part of your body, from your calves and quads to your abs. 
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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