Toffee Apples

May 22 2012.

views 689


These sweet treats were always a welcome delight in the cold winter months when I was growing up. But they are just as good in any climate. They are simple and easy to make and a surefire way of getting your kids to eat some fruit even though it is smothered in toffee!

Traditionally the tart green apples are used since they go well with the sweetness of the toffee, but I have noticed the local grocery stores carrying the tiny red apples which are a perfect size for little ones. Alternatively you don’t have to use a whole apple, you can quarter it into sections as you wish. Either way these are a wonderful evening treat for everyone to enjoy.



-    Apples of choice (for about 8 apples)
-     400g brown sugar
-    1tsp vinegar
-    4tbsp of golden syrup



1.    Place the apples in a bowl and cover with boiling water, this is to remove the waxy coating on the apples and thus help the toffee to stick to the apple. You might have to do this a couple of times. If using a whole apple, remove stalk and push a popsicle stick through the centre, and set aside.

2.    Place the apples on a plate covered with a baking sheet and keep near the stove. Now to make the toffee. Tip the sugar into a pan along with 100ml water and set over a medium heat. Cook for 5 mins until the sugar dissolves, then stir in the vinegar and syrup. If you do have a sugar thermometer boil the mixture until it reaches 140c, it is the hard crack stage. If you don’t have one then, pour a bit of the mixture into a bowl filled with cold water,it should harden immediately. If the mixture is still quite squishy, then you need to cook it some more. It is important to watch the mixture to prevent it from over cooking and burning.

3.    Working quickly and carefully, dip and twist each apple in the hot toffee until covered, let any excess drip away, then place on the baking parchment to harden. You may have to heat the toffee a little if the temperature drops and it starts to feel thick and viscous. Leave the toffee to cool before eating. If you would like before the toffee hardens you can also roll the apple in some chopped nuts for a tasty crunchy effect.


By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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