The Startup Cook - Vanilla Pudding

Aug 02 2013.

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There’s something very peaceful about Vanilla. Eating any kind of food (Vanilla Ice-cream, Vanilla soufflé) with that as its core ingredient is always so soothing.
But this recipe in particular is the epitome of comfort food. It’s another Laura Vitale delicacy that is so simple and requires products that are usually found in your kitchen.

The best thing about this dessert is that you can have it warm or cold. Either way it tastes divine. And after a stressful,  trying day this is your ideal refuge. 



2 ½ cups of milk
1/3 cup of sugar 
3 egg yolks
3 ½ Tbs of cornflour 
2 ½ Tbs of butter
1 – 1 ½ Tbs of vanilla essence
On a low flame, heat milk in a heavy based pan. Stir occasionally.
In a large bowl whisk sugar, egg yolks, corn flour and Vanilla essence until thick and pale.
Take 1 cup of the hot milk and mix it in to the yolk-sugar mixture until smooth.
Pour in the yolk mixture in to the pan of milk and cook (stir) on a low flame until it thickens. 
Once the Vanilla mixture has thickened, turn off the heat and stir in the butter.
Pour the mixture in to a bowl and cover it with a cling film.
Refrigerate for minimum four hours.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Instead of thickening, if the mixture starts turning lumpy while on the flame, take it off the heat and whisk until smooth before putting it back on the heat.
You can increase the sugar if you like.
Have this warm. I was doing this happy jig on cloud nine while having it warm.
When covering the pudding with cling film, ensure it’s really touching the pudding.
If the mixture is taking forever to thicken, add little bit more of cornflour. 
Add a couple of raisins or strawberries or some chopped almonds when you’re eating this. 
I was listening to the song Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (ft Mary) while making this. The lyrics are beautiful.
By Shazzana Hamid


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