The Startup Cook - Rice Pudding

Oct 04 2013.

views 1981

Arroz con Leche also known as Rice Pudding is a popular dessert in Spain.  It’s milky, sweet and of course rice based, which basically reminds you of a sweet porridge that has set.

Thanks to this pre conceived notion it was never a personal dessert choice. However having some left over rice and hating to discard it resulted in experimenting  this very well liked (locally as well) pudding.

Hence I grudgingly found this recipe on  and grudgingly made it and grudgingly tasted it. To my grudgy feelings’ greatest disappointment, it’s actually quite delicious. It’s smooth and soothing to your palette reminding you that you should never judge a dessert by its ingredients.






Ingredients Raisins
1 ½ Cups of milk 4 Tbs of Butter
1 Cup of rice 1 Cinnamon Stick
½ Cup of sugar ½ tsp of Lime Juice





Boil Rice until cooked and set aside.

On a low flame boil milk in a heavy based pan.




Add the sugar in to the milk and stir constantly.

Once the sugar has completely dissolved add the cooked rice, butter, lime juice, and cinnamon stick in to the milk.

Stirring occasionally, boil until the rice has completely softened.




Stirring occasionally, boil until the rice has completely softened.

Fish the cinnamon stick out of the pudding and turn off the heat.

Add the raisins in to the mixture and Pour the pudding in to a bowl.

Let it cool down for about 20 minutes before refrigerating it.



Disasters, Warnings and Tips


Freshly boiled rice isn’t necessary; you could utilize some leftover rice.

If you’re a tad bit impatient or hungry you can help soften the rice by taking it off the flame and whisking it for a few minutes.

Decrease on the sugar if you wish.

Dust the pudding with some cinnamon powder before refrigerating.

No rhythmic movements took place while I was making this.

If you choose to whisk the pudding do be careful. The milk can splash and scald.

I burnt my tongue while trying to have this warm. Yum but Ouch.





By Shazzana Hamid


  1. shama fernando says:

    What a coincident, only this morning I was wondering how to make a rice pudding, and lo and behold, what do I see. Truly amazing, but believe me, you were reading my mind. Tks

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