The Startup Cook: Pol Rotti

Jun 05 2014.

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My nanny Karu was one of the best cooks on this earth. Literally no one can beat her prawn curry, dhal, pol sambol, seeni sambol… well a lot of Sri Lankan (favourite) cuisines anyway. One of my favourites was Pol Rotti which she used to serve with (the perfect) Lunumiris. Sadly, she’s not around anymore and I do miss her terribly. So whenever I need to sort of reminisce on my well-fed youth with her, I make Pol Rotti.

Admittedly there is a little elbow grease that goes in to making these circular delights. But as a constant investor of ‘kade’ food, let me tell you that homemade Pol Rotti is much MUCH better. So give your arm a little exercise and make the best possible dinner you can have on a gloomy cold day.


3 cups of flour
1 grated coconut (small)
1 cup of water
1 tbs of olive oil
1 onion (large)
5 green chillies


Wash and chop the onion and chillies.

Sift the flour in to a heavy based bowl.

Add the salt and coconut in to the bowl.

While mixing, pour the water a little at a time until it forms in to dough.

Add the oil, chopped onion and chilli and knead the dough.

Take a handful of dough and form in to medium size balls.

Heat up a non-stick skillet on a medium high flame.

Dust your hands with some flour, flatten each dough ball in your hand and drop it onto the heated skillet.

(If necessary whilst on the skillet flatten further with back of a wooden spoon)

Cook until both sides are brown.

Disasters, Warnings and Tips

Serve with Lunumiris and Meatball curry – Yum in the Tum!

Using a non-stick pan makes prevents the use of oil.

Add salt according to personal taste.

Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones) is dead! Noooooooooo!!!

These ingredients assist to make about 10 -12 odd shaped tasty Rottis.

For an awesome Meatball recipe do refer .

Cheat with a Chapathi maker and get the perfect round Pol Roti.

Use only freshly grated coconut.

The dough can get pretty sticky, feel free to use an extra table spoon of oil.

I prefer to have my Pol Rotti thin and crispy.

Coconut sizes may cause confusion, use 1 ½ cups of grated Coconut.

This is my photography. clearly.

By: Shazzana Hamid


  1. RMG says:

    This recipe is to the point.. quick and easy! Although fresh grated coconut is ideal, you can cheat your way around a sudden craving with some dessicated coconut too (i.e. just in case you are in a country where grated coconut is not so freely available!)

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