The Startup Cook – Pancakes

Jan 23 2014.

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It’s true I am a carnivore. Actually I am more of a ‘selected’ carnivore. There are certain meats I eat and there certain meats I don’t eat.

However there is always a day when I do insist on (myself) going without eating any kind of meats. Its habit I have maintained for the past year and it has lead me to a few interesting recipes.

This particular delight is based on Ramona’s (from curry and comfort) Savory Asian Vegetable Pancakes with dipping sauce. While the recipe is literally the same, I have made amends by substituting zucchini with cabbage.

The best part about this pancake is the vegetables that go in; it elevates your usual pancake to a wholesome meal.

Oh and after a trying day of work, this pancake with the sauce is your ideal comfort dinner.



1 Cup of Flour
1 ¼ Cup of Water (warm)
1 Egg
1 Carrot (Large)
¼ Piece of Cabbage
3 Spring Onions
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 Tsp of Ginger (Grated)
2 Tsp of Chili Flakes
1 Tsp of Sesame oil


¼ Cup of Soy Sauce
½ tsp of Ginger (Grated)
1 Garlic Clove (Grated)
1 Green Chili (Chopped)
1 Tbs of Water
1 Tsp of Chili Flakes


Wash, Clean and Grate the carrot and cabbage.

Fine dice spring onion, garlic and set aside.

In a heavy based pan, heat up a teaspoon of oil, add the cabbage, spring onion (including its leaves) and chili flakes and sauté for a few minutes.

Add in the carrot with a ½ teaspoon of salt, combine well.

Once the vegetables have softened take it off the heat and let it cool.

In a bowl, combine flour, egg, sesame oil, warm water and teaspoon of salt.

Mix in the sautéed vegetables in to the batter.

Heat up a skillet, with a teaspoon of oil. Pour In a large spoon of batter on to the skillet and spread it (to thin it) with the back of the spoon.

Allow the batter to cook on both sides.

For the Sauce, In a separate pan, heat up all ingredients (mentioned above) for a few minutes.

Once it’s sufficiently warm, take it off the heat and pour in to a serving bowl.

Disasters, Warnings and Tips:

The sauce is yum! I recommend it even for spring rolls.

Ramona is my favorite food blogger.

Remember, to oil your skillet each time before you pour your batter in.

This recipe is for my friend who wished me happy New Year with the hope of me producing more vegetarian dishes.

I had sesame oil, so I used it. Don’t worry if you don’t. Go ahead without it.

You can have this pancake with a meat curry.

This is easy recipe to make.

Spring onions are fabulous. They are my secret weapon in most savory dishes.

I crush on Alan Shore from Boston Legal.



By Shazzana Hamid


  1. Tee says:

    Sounds yum! Good recipe for office lunch!

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