The Startup Cook - Iced Coffee

Aug 06 2015.

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Sometimes what seems to be the most simple, often have a twisted sense of complicated in it. Pavlova for instance requires only egg whites and sugar, but getting that crusty exterior right without having cracks or being half cooked has proven to be a challenge even for top class chefs. Similar is the case of iced coffee.

Now iced coffee has been local favourite for a while. A kiddy and sometimes even adult parties cannot be celebrated without someone’s homemade “best iced coffee in the country”. It is quite a simple recipe but the balance of flavour is a tad bit hard to achieve. You can either end up having extremely watery iced coffee or in some cases slightly bitter tasting iced coffee. Either way it will taste unpleasant.

This particular recipe was developed after consulting many Sri Lankan iced coffee making methods. However the most influential recipe was the one I found on the blog Curry and Comfort - It provided tips that suited my taste buds very well.

Nevertheless after a few clumsy concoctions I finally brewed the perfect iced coffee. It’s just the right amount of sweet and strong… a saviour on a crazy warm day.


390g tin of condensed milk
2 cups of (lukewarm) water
3 tbs of instant coffee granules
2 tsp of vanilla essence
2tbs of brandy (optional)


Dissolve the instant coffee in the lukewarm water.

Pour the coffee in to a saucepan.

Place the saucepan on a low flame.

While stirring, pour the condensed milk in to the coffee.

Stir until the ingredients have combined.

Stir in the vanilla essence.

Turn off the heat. Add the brandy to the coffee, stir and let it simmer.

Let the coffee cool down.

Then pour it in to a bottle and refrigerate for at least four hours.

Disasters, Warnings and Tips 

This recipe will provide for three tall glasses of iced coffee.

Shake the bottle well before serving.

When I first started making iced coffee, I made it like I make my usual cup of coffee and refrigerated it. It was yuck.

The brandy is optional of course.

If you like ice in your iced coffee (like I do) but don’t like it be further diluted (like I do) add a couple of black coffee ice cubes to it – A tip from Ramona (Curry and Comfort).

Masters of Sex season 3 is back people!

If you are reluctant to use brandy, but still wish for that flavour – use brandy flavouring. It’s available at selected stores.

To make black coffee ice cubes – add a tablespoon of instant coffee granules to 1 cup of lukewarm water. Stir and pour in to an ice tray.

Freeze until the cubes have formed.

If you like your iced coffee extra sweet, add two tablespoons of brown sugar to it.

By Shazzana Hamid


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