Jan 31 2014.
views 684
When a person sets their heart out on executing a particular dish, the worse thing they can encounter is a kitchen disaster.
When I say disaster, I mean disaster without any method of salvaging and the outcome ending up in the garbage bin followed by anger and bitterness.
For the past two days I have been attempting a very simple Nigella dessert which has turned out to be a catastrophe. Nigella is blameless of course; the problem is obviously the cook.
So just when everything had literally turned to goo, my sister Fari (A domestic Goddess herself) uses her culinary brilliance and converts goo in to butter.
Despite the truth behind its existence, this butter is really REALLY good.
Appearance and texture wise it is exactly like any store bought block of butter! How fantastic is that! For those curious startup chefs I insist that you attempt this very cool and liberating recipe.
250 ml of Whipping Cream
In a medium size bowl whip cream until it curdles.
Strain the curdled cream and remove the excess liquid.
Put the cream back in to the bowl, keep pressing it (with the back of a spoon) until all liquid has been extracted out.
Then fold in 1 ½ tea spoons of salt in to the cream.
Pour the butter in to some baking parchment and wrap (giving it a square - like effect).
Refrigerate for at least two hours.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips:
This recipe is a result of a kitchen disaster.
Salt measurements may vary according to personal taste.
My sister recommends adding thyme and oregano in to the mixture for a homemade herb butter.
Don’t over-whip whipping cream, it curdles.
We put our homemade butter in a Flora butter box. A little deceiving one may say.
Yes. One can actually over-whip a WHIPPING cream.
Taste your butter before adding in the salt.
I can’t believe that butter is this easy to make.
By Shazzana Hamid