Startup Cooks, Professional Chefs and cooking show addicts would all agree that there is nothing more rewarding than to successfully execute a recipe. Therefore as expected suffering through an entire week of kitchen disasters was depressing! So just when The Startup Cook apron was about to be handed over to the respective authorities, it was decided that a ‘last straw’ attempt at satisfying a culinary curiosity needed to be made.
Nigella’s Meringue Gelato Cake has been on my mind since I saw her making it on one of her Nigellissima episodes. Essentially it is a combination of cream, cooking chocolate and meringue. My inability to locate meringue and my laziness to create it from scratch delayed the making of this recipe unnecessarily.
Thus remedying all flaws, meringue has been substituted with kisses; which is why I have renamed it Gelato Cake Pudding. This dessert is absolutely delicious. Despite its requisite of effortless labour, there is indeed nothing tastier to the palette than a simple combination of cream, kisses and chocolate.

250 ml of whipping cream
30g – 40g of cooking chocolate (dark)
7 - 10 chocolate chip Kisses (available at Supermarkets)
½ tsp of instant coffee
2 Tbs of water
½ tsp of vanilla essence
Line well a 1 lb loaf tin with clingfilm.
Whip cream until thick but still soft.
Chop finely the cooking chocolate and fold it in to the cream.
In a ziploc bag, crush the kisses (you’re looking for both powder and shards) and fold in to the cream.
Dissolve instant coffee in the water and add it to the cream.
Add the vanilla essence and fold.
Pour the cream in to the loaf tin and with a spatula press it down and smoothen out the top.
Bring the clingfilm up and wrap it on top.
Freeze for at least 5 hours.
After the gelato has set, unwrap the top, take it out of the tin and unload it (face forward) on to a board and cut in to thick portions.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Serve your gelato with chocolate sauce.
I LOVE this dessert.
Instead of the instant coffee mixture + vanilla, add a tablespoon of homemade coffee liqueur
Whipping cream can be over whipped. Be careful.
I discovered these chocolate chip kisses while shopping for plain kisses.
If you’re feeling a little festive, add a dash of rum to the cream.
Chop chocolate while it’s cold.
When lining the tin with clingfilm, ensure you have enough wrap on top.
You can use plain kisses as well.
Nigella-haters need to try this recipe before bombarding insults on her.
The original recipe can be found here
Text by Shazzana Hamid