The Startup Cook : Coffee Pudding

Mar 27 2014.

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I’m a coffee addict. My day cannot begin without a good warm cup of coffee. I am every kind of zombie without it, so throughout the day I am fuelled with this warm beverage. If you have the same addiction, then trying this delight out is an order.

I found this on and this is anything but complicated to conjure. Delicious and easy, it’s literally like eating a cup of coffee.

Caffeine lovers know exactly what I mean…




2 tbs of instant coffee granules
2 cups of water
4 tbs of flour
2/3 – ½ cup of sugar
2 egg yolks
2/3 cup of whipping cream
2 tsp of vanilla essence


Dissolve the instant coffee granules with the water.

Pour the cold coffee in to a heavy based pan and start to boil on a low flame.

Add the flour and sugar and stir until thickened.

Take the pudding mixture off the heat, pour it through a sieve, strain it of any lumps, and pour it back in to the pan and set aside.

Lightly beat the two egg yolks.

Add two tablespoons of the coffee mixture in to the egg yolks and stir.

Then add the egg yolk mixture, in to the coffee mixture, heat up on a low flame and stir.

Add in the vanilla essence, stir for a few minutes, turn off the flame and set the pan aside.

While the mixture cools down, whip the cream until it has formed soft peaks.

Fold in the whipped cream in to the cooling mixture.

Pour the pudding in to bowls and refrigerate for at least two hours.


Disasters, Warnings and Tips

Have this warm. It’s heavenly.

If the colour of the pudding is a little too dark, fold in a little more whipped cream.

Garnish this with some shaved chocolate.

Nothing like some warm coffee pudding on a tired day.

This is my therapist.

Text by Shazzana Hamid



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