The Startup Cook – Coffee Liqueur

Jan 09 2014.

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It’s been over a year since I began my culinary expedition.  On the way I have learnt many things.

How to keep food raw even over hot stove, how to scramble eggs in cake batter, how to charcoal food on a low flame and many MANY others. The list literally goes on and on.

Well jokes aside, due to my recent baking conquests I happened to discover a super recipe.

Homemade coffee liqueur! I found it on

Add a teaspoon of this in to your cakes, puddings and ofcourse anything chocolatey and it’ll upgrade your dessert to divine instantly.

This I admit is a bit of a naughty trick, but if you’re legally an adult and a little wicked like me, I do insist on you adding this jewel to your treasure box.


½ Cup of Water
½ Cup of Sugar
½ Cup of Vodka
¼ Cup of Instant Coffee Granules
2 Tsp of Vanilla


In a heavy based pan combine sugar and water.

On a low flame, heat up the pan and allow the sugar to melt in the water.

After the sugar has completely dissolved, add the coffee granules in and stir.

Once the coffee granules have fully combined, take it off the flame.

Add Vodka and Vanilla to the liquid and stir.

Pour the liqueur in to a clean bottle, close bottle tightly and store in a cool place.

Disasters, Warnings and Tips:

This fabulous liqueur fills 1 Cup.

I love the smell of Coffee and Vanilla. It is such an aphrodisiac.

Next Chocolate cake you bake, add a dash of this in to the mixture and notice the difference.

Liqueurs are generally quite pricey. This is fabulously cost effective.



By Shazzana Hamid


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