The Startup Cook: Coffee Ice Cream

May 22 2014.

views 1275

Despite the weather these few days, Sri Lanka in general is annoyingly humid and hot. But despite the heat us Lankans still need to have that warm beverage. It’s fascinatingly strange…

So have you had one of those days where you want a cup of coffee, when instead you should be having a nice cold ice cream?

Fear not. This recipe is a combination of both and is a practical answer to your craving. So on a sweltering hot day instead of dying of a heat stroke, have a scoop (or two) of this fabulous homemade coffee ice cream. It’s absolutely hassle free, because you only need a few ingredients and if you have a mixer it’s just a one a step process.

Delicious and soothing to the buds, this cold comforter is a celestial gift from Goddess Nigella.




250 ml of whipping cream
2/3 cups of condensed milk
2 tbs of instant coffee powder
2 tbs of coffee liqueur




Pour the condensed milk in to a heavy based mixing bowl.

Add the coffee powder, liqueur and whisk for a minute.

Whilst whisking slowly pour in the whipping cream.

Whisk until soft peaks form.

Then pour in the cream in to an air tight container.

Freeze for at least six hours.


Disasters, Warnings and Tips


The only tiresome thing about this recipe is holding the hand mixer.

These photos were taken in the blistering sun, hence the half melted look.

I absolutely love this ice cream.

If you have a mixer just add all the ingredients in one go and make it, like Nigella did.

Admittedly this recipe is a little tricky on a humid day, so refrigerate your mixing bowl (before using it) for at least half an hour. (Tip from my sister Fari)

The liqueur prevents the ice cream from crystallizing (Tip from my culinary idol Nigella)
If the cream mixture doesn’t stiffen up, (what you can do in future) whip the cream before and then fold in the rest of the ingredients (Tip from a random dude commenting on the YouTube video of the recipe)   

For Coffee Liqueur refer here

Ensure your cream is really really cold.

The original recipe can be found here

My new life lesson - “Just keep swimming… Just keep swimming…” - Dory from Finding Nemo

By Shazzana Hamid
Photo credits : Fari Hamid


  1. Tee says:

    This tasted just perfect on a really hot Saturday :)

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