Oct 09 2014.
views 991
At present, the economy is such that, one cannot always afford a good quality imported chocolate sauce every time they require one. But when the need to savour, the sweet harmony between a scoop of vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce rises, there is no choice but to resort to a surrogate remedy.
This particular recipe, courtesy http://www.allrecipes.com is a winner. It requires ingredients found easily in your kitchen and about fifteen minutes of your time. Rich and glossy, this chocolate sauce is more than adequate to satisfy that saucy craving.
½ cup of milk
¼ cup of cocoa powder
¼ cup of sugar
1 tbs of butter
2 tsp of flour
1 tsp of vanilla
¼ tsp of salt
Add the cocoa, sugar, and flour in to a medium size bowl. Whisk the dry ingredients until it’s incorporated well.
Pour the milk in to a saucepan, add the butter and vanilla in to it.
Place the saucepan on a low flame and let the butter melt.
Whilst whisking the milk, gently add the dry ingredients in to the milk.
Whisk briskly for five minutes.
Add the salt to the sauce and whisk again for another minute.
Let it cook for a minute more and then take it off the heat.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Serve this with your semi-sweet bread pudding, a scoop of ice cream or with some pavlova.
Whilst whisking, do add a teaspoon of coffee liqueur to the sauce.
The salt is vital.
Yay! I got The Reader by Bernard Schlink (A kind donation by a friend’s sister)
For an awesome coffee liqueur recipe, do refer http://life.dailymirror.lk/article/7304/the-startup-cook-coffee-liqueur.
Do feel free to lessen the quantity of the sugar.
I personally prefer a thick chocolate sauce, but if you like it to be more liquid-like add a little more milk.
10-15g melted dark cooking chocolate elevates this sauce to a new level.
By Shazzana Hamid