If you’re having one of those days where you’re craving for something sweet (yet not so sweet) - but too tired to make, this recipe is absolutely perfect.
A kind donation by my friend Maneshka (who secretly binges on this at night), this dessert is super easy to make. And I mean it in the literal sense.
It actually does take only fifteen minutes to rustle up. An amazingly effortless pudding, low in calories and a great comfort food. It’s best enjoyed in solitude.
1 Green apple
¼ Cup of flour
¼ Cup of water
3 Tbs of butter
3 tsp of sugar
Cinnamon powder
In a bowl add the flour, two teaspoons of sugar, three table spoons of butter and mix it around gently (you should get a sand-like texture).
Add the flour mixture to a pan and heat it up on a medium low flame.
Keep stirring the mixture until it begins to look grainy and brown.
Stir in a pinch of cinnamon to the crumble, keep for a minute and take it off the heat.
Chop the apple in to bite size pieces and place in a pan.
Add ¼ cup of water, a teaspoon of sugar and boil over a low heat.
Remove from heat once the apples become soft.
Put the cooked apple in to a dessert bowl, spoon the crumble on top and serve.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Serve the crumble with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
When boiling the apples, you can add a very tiny piece of cinnamon if you like.
This recipe is very economical. Perfect for a day when your parents refuse to fund your culinary projects.
Even if you knead the flour in to dough, it's fine, don’t panic (Thank you for calming me down Maneshka), it’ll crumble in the pan.
Don’t let your apple over boil. It’ll turn in to mush.
My sister Fari wasn’t there to take pictures, I took them. I think I’m improving.
By Shazzana Hamid