The pre shoot frenzy!

Oct 05 2015.

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Pre shoots are sort of a new trend. It’s something a little strange and unfamiliar to all of us. You see all your friends doing it but you’re caught in between doing it and not doing it.  Most of us really don’t know that much about the concept of pre shoots so we asked photographer, Indika Mallawarachchi, about all the fuss.
What’s a ‘pre shoot’?
It’s when a couple does a photo-shoot before the wedding. Unlike the wedding, pre-shoots have no time or location limitation. Plus weddings have to be very traditionally photographed – according to the customs and traditions, but in a pre-shoot we can get as creative as much as we want. We can make it romantic and modern.
Why do couples do pre shoots?
Well... I think it’s a trend. It wasn’t there back then.  Today, if a couple doesn’t do a pre-shoot,  it feels less. Plus it’s very creative so people feel that they should do it.
Do all pre shoots have a theme?
It’s like this – it depends on the couple. It varies with creativity and the photographers. Some people just do a shoot without even trying. We can do a theme but most people just do it without a theme.
What do you try to bring out in a pre-shoot?
As a photographer, we want to show colours. We always try to show them and we try to show something different. If everything was the same, it’s not very interesting so we vary the concept, clothes etc. We have to show the guests something different. Give a ‘wow’ factor for the guest to see the couple differently.
Tell us what you have to do during a pre shoot? 
We have several factors we take into consideration. The concept, the location, the time is very important. Some couples want to do it outstation so we always try to start at around 5am because the morning light is very important. Time, I guess is the most important. We do the shoot a month before the wedding and we direct the couple on how to pose and everything.
How do you get the couple to be comfortable during a pre shoot?
Most of them are really embarrassed and scared so the best thing we can do is give them an understanding of what needs to be done and be on a friendly comfortable level with them. We try our best to work in a natural setting. I have 23 years of experience so when I see a couple, I know how to handle them.
What’s the most out of the box pre shoot you’ve done?
In India at Taj Mahal. We had a lot of red tape but we still did the shoot and the experience was great.
What’s the one thing all clients should know before agreeing to do a pre shoot?
Pre shoot is an art. Find a photographer who has the equipment, experience and creativity. Don’t just do the pre shoot for nothing. Be aware of everything, listen to the ideas of the photographer and browse the internet to get some creative ideas.
Text by Panchali Illankoon


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