The dangers of fizzy drinks

Jun 05 2015.

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Fizzy fuzzy beverages : Is your child at risk? 

Fizzy drinks with funky names have caught the eyes of all teens and children. Despite their thirst-quenching abilities, these soft drinks carry many ingredients including caffeine that would ultimately put your kids at risk. They can never be matched to a fresh fruit juice but with busy lifestyles, parents have found easy approaches to feed their children. Following are some opinions that the Daily Mirror Life received from some parents with regard to this issue :


“I never encourage my son to have fizzy drinks. I always prepare a fresh juice for him. Parents today don’t have time to see to their children’s needs and ultimately they end up with diabetes and other diseases at an early stage.”


“Fizzy drinks  are very poisonous to our health. Ultimately the consumers are in danger.”


“Fizzy drinks are quite unhealthy. They contain many toxins and are second to only alcohol in my opinion. I saw an advertisement where one beverage was used to clear rust off a metal rod and it directly proved how poisonous and strong they are. My children always take home-cooked food to school and only very rarely do they eat junk when we go for an outing.”


“It’s not at all a good idea to encourage them to consume fizzy drinks.  They have high amounts of many unwanted nutrients like sugar and of course we know what sugar does to our health. We are ultimately turning our healthy kids to patients with negligence. Most shopkeepers also have a habit of promoting their products because they are also money-oriented.”


“Once in a while it won’t be an issue to give them a fizzy drink. But if it is given regularly they will eventually get addicted and it will be a problem for both parents and children.”

Did you know?

*Many fruits also contain a lot of sugar. So fruit juices can make your blood sugar rise. But it contains vitamins too!

*Some say that the best time to drink a fruit juice is on an empty stomach.

*Remember that many fruits and vegetables will contain pesticides. Check on a safe solution that can be used to soak fruits and vegetables before use.

*Some even say that eating a fruit is better than juicing it!

*Frizzy drinks are more likely to be high in sugar and calories.

*Drinking fizzy drinks too regularly can cause obesity, tooth decay and  diabetes among other illnesses.

(Source – internet)

By Kamanthi Wickramasinghe
Photographs by Nisal Baduge


  1. Factcheck says:

    A bunch of vague statements not backed by any science or reasoning. Yes, soda etc is of course bad for your health but when you put together an article like this it's important that you include what research says instead of saying "some say". Also, when it comes to health issues, is there really any point in consulting the commoner? If the point is to spread awareness, then you should talk to a doctor and put that in an article. I'm sure that will serve your purpose a whole lot better.

  2. Health Nut says:

    Drink fresh water.......that's all you need to quench a thirst! Then eat your fruits and vegetables for nourishment!

  3. Health Nut says:

    Drink fresh water.......that's all you need to quench a thirst! Then eat your fruits and vegetables for nourishment!

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