Oct 02 2014.
views 985Public speaking can be defined as a presentation of your thoughts and feelings in a meaningful manner. A public speaker is loaded with numerous benefits and opportunities. There is a wrong perception among the public that only the individuals indulged in professions related to sales, marketing and mass media are well versed in public speaking. But individuals belonging to any walk of life might get an opportunity at some point in their life to speak in public. In order to address an audience one should have sheer confidence in oneself. The art of public speaking is a hidden talent in everyone.
Public speaking is an integral part of communication. In other words, it is communication in disguise. Public speaking is not only about giving a speech in public. A child reciting a poem in school, a job interview or delivering a presentation at university too are forms of public speaking. When scrutinizing further we are highly likely to come across the above situations in our life. In fact the success of the above three situations rely on one’s ability to speak and voice out their opinions effectively. Therefore, effective communication is a must to develop a successful career in future.
According to recent research, it has been observed that most people are afraid of public speaking than death. Yet the only weapon that a public speaker needs to carry with himself is enough facts on the subject matter. In turn there is an opportunity arisen to educate the audience on what you know. As the saying goes practice makes perfect, public speaking too requires practice. In order to overcome the feelings of anxiety and fear associated with public speaking, one needs to be properly skilled. Fear is accompanied with gulping down essential facts and having a ‘butterflies-in-the-stomach’ effect. This would bring down the quality of the speech and one will not be able to showcase a remarkable performance. As you step on the stage and start giving your speech, make sure that you ‘own’ the audience. If you are tensed, start your speech with a good joke to make them laugh and show them that you are worth listening to. However, fear keeps many individuals from making their entry to public speaking.
Public speaking also boosts one’s level of satisfaction on the completion of a speech. The walk up the isle, the sudden rush of adrenaline, the thundering applause at the end of the speech is all a part of a successful performance. These are what would fuel up the confidence to do better next time. One’s personality is also judged by the amount of speaking that he does. A clear voice, fluency in language and a strong point of view are indicators of an outstanding personality. These facets are of course hidden in oneself and it is the responsibility of every individual to hunt for these priceless inborn talents.
Through public speaking one can also develop strong interpersonal skills. In turn this will help to maintain relationships with family and friends. Likewise it also increases one’s level of confidence when interacting with superiors, colleagues and customers in the corporate world. As such, confidence in your speech matters most in the path to success. Networking on the other hand helps one to build a potential clientele which in turn would boost up businesses. It is a matter of convincing your listeners about what you are good at. Keep them nodding or clapping at every gesture you make. This gives a hint that you are serving justice to your role.
Consequently, public speaking is a stepping stone to a successful life ahead. Ample opportunities are available for anyone and everyone. It is only a matter of utilizing resources in a meaningful manner to sharpen your skills. Confidence and credibility are key factors that sum up a perfect speech. When justice has not been served when delivering a speech, it would appear rather vague. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the speech is timely, relevant and accurate. After all, public speaking is an essential weapon that everybody should carry, very often.
By Dr. Dilhan S. Jayatilleke
Dilhan S. Jayatilleke holds a PhD in Business Ethics and CSR and carries over 10 years of experience in Sales and Marketing. He is a Businessman, Consultant and a Lecturer as well. Presently, he is a Director of Humanitarian International; a Non-Governmental organization focused on Community Service, Humanitarian Service, Cultural Affairs and Sports / Recreational Activities.