Subanu Perera

Dec 01 2014.

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Subanu is a marketeer with over two decades of commercial exposure both locally and overseas. Currently the Head of Sales and Marketing for a global hotel chain in Sri Lanka, Subanu is a keen believer in research, innovation and continuous innovation at organisations especially for the hospitality industry. Here is his take on travel.

Why do you love travel?

I loved travelling  a lot even from my childhood and for some reason my career too has complemented my love for travel. I love experiencing the diversity, cuisine and vistas in every way.

Your favourite travel destination and why?

However much I travel I believe Sri Lanka has much more to offer than most of realism. I would always rank Sri Lanka as my most preferred destination.

What do you need for a perfect holiday?

A planned itinerary flowing with no rushing around. A perfect non-fussy companion (right now it’s my wife and close friends) and a good knowledge on where you are heading as not all countries offer ‘go-get-lost’ option comfortably.

In which country have you felt most at home?

In Singapore as the country is safe and all are welcomed the same way.

Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?

A frozen pack of meatballs from Oman.

Favourite holiday discovery?

Once when I was in Oman we went in search of Arabian Leopards hiding in the mountains. I failed to see one as it is a very rare sight anyway but came to a ‘Wadi’ (river basin) with a sink-hole which we were told is unique. My travel partner who was an Omani explorer was shocked to see this new location.

Worst holiday or travel experience?

I had travelled to India to witness a special pooja at Thurupathi Kovil in the late 90’s. There were a lot of devotees and the queue was over 4 km’s long. By the time we came back to our bus it had gone back. We eventually ended up returning in ordinary overcrowded bus rubbing shoulders with all sorts of weird and wonderful things to come back to Bangalore standing for 7 hours.

Best piece of travel advice?

Always know what you are doing if you are an average traveller. The world is so diverse some of us don’t know how complicated it can be.

Your top five travel destinations?

Singapore, the UK, Australia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

What has travel taught you?

There is lots to see and learn. The experience of cultures, diversity and meeting new people.

Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?

Singapore for its multicultural cuisine.

Next travel destination?


By Tina Edward Gunawardhana


  1. Cadrian says:

    Looks like his travel is limited to asia and Middle east. There are many other nice countries / places to visit in europe and americas

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