Chilli & Garlic Prawns

Jul 12 2013.

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Like most, I adore prawns. It is my favorite seafood (It doesn’t require the hassle of breaking in to claws or isn’t boring like fish). But knowing only to make it in (Sri Lankan) curry form is a little tedious after a tiring day of work.

So I googled “how to make prawns quick”, what came up on many sites was garlic prawns. Thus having referred many recipes, I finally created my own version of it.

It was unexpectedly delicious (if I do say so myself) and was appreciated by many at home.





700 Grams of Prawns (Cleaned)

5-6 Cloves of Garlic

3 Tbs of Butter

3-4 tsp of Chilli flakes

2-3 tsp of Paprika (hot)

2 tsp of Roasted Chili Powder

1 tsp of Oregano

1 tsp of Garlic paste

1 tsp of Pepper

1 tsp of Soy sauce

½ tsp of Turmeric

½ One lime

½ tsp of Salt





Squeeze lime over the prawns; add garlic paste, pepper, soy sauce, chilli powder, turmeric and leave to marinade for about 30 minutes.

Finely dice garlic cloves and parsley.

Add the butter in to a pan and heat up. When the butter starts to bubble, add the chopped garlic, chilli flakes and sauté for a few minutes.

Then add the prawns in to the pan and stir it for a bit, add in the salt and paprika and cook until prawns turn pink.

Once the prawns have cooked, add in the oregano and turn off the heat.

Garnish with the chopped parsley.



Disasters, Warnings and Tips


The garlic paste and soy sauce for the marinade is purely optional.

If you have noticed that the picture doesn’t indicate any parsley, that’s because there wasn’t any available in any of the supermarkets in the vicinity.

Prawns cook fast, so don’t leave them in the pan for long, it would turn hard and rubbery.

You can serve this with bread or crepes.

If you make apple crumble, please remember to peel the apple before making (an important tip which my friend Maneshka conveniently forgot to convey)

Squeeze a piece of lime over the cooked prawns before serving.

You can increase on the chilli flakes (I know I did).

I can honestly say that my phone photography is excellent.



By Shazzana Hamid


  1. Angie says:

    "If you make apple crumble, please remember to peel the apple before making (an important tip which my friend Maneshka conveniently forgot to convey)" How does this fit in here..5th tip

  2. Shazz says:

    Hey Fari Super markets have in small packets :)

    Hey Angie Sorry about the confusion,It's fit because it's tiny disaster that's to related the previous recipe. I made a stove top apple crumble last week. and made a tiny mishap (Apologies I AM a start up cook) to an otherwise yum crumble :).

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