Sports to get ripped

Apr 04 2013.

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Ever noticed how it was that much easier to tell the different sports that people did in school by looking at their physiques? It’s quite easy to spot the narrow waistline and larger than life shoulder span of a swimmer, the bulky lower body and ripped forearms of a racket sport athlete, the bulky frame of a ruggerite who played the pack or the slender, ripped frame of a track athlete.
The reason why each sport grants you a specific physical structure is owed to the activation of muscle groups that occur during the sport. An example is how squash places a large amount of stress on forearms, quads and hamstrings of an individual causing those muscle groups to develop in order to support the stress they undergo. 
The good news is that sports can be identified to allow you to achieve specific targets in physical growth. It’s obvious that different sports grant you different benefits but considering that most men are after a ripped look as of late, here’s a list of sports that cater to the need in question.
Rowing is simply a great workout and focuses a heavy emphasis on upper body muscle activation; the element of resistance involved in the sport is a great benefit given that the entire upper body is worked through rowing.
The heavy focus on the upper body causes a lower release of testosterone which causes the body to keep off unnecessary bulk while melting the fat around the muscle groups getting you that much closer to the ripped, manageable physique you’re after.  
Our next sport that gets you cut in a hurry is wrestling. Many wrestlers are forced to watch their diet intake in order to make weight for a match, so this alone will prevent you from building too much bulk.
With the constant stimulation of the fast-twitch muscle fibers throughout your everyday training, you'll be rapidly burning calories while increasing your speed and force-generation ability. These three things will all lead to a cut and chiseled physique.
Rock Climbing
Even though it might not be popularized as a sport in Sri Lanka, rock climbing is an excellent test of upper body strength and core muscle power generation.
The restriction of weight available in terms of lifting your own body weight and nothing else, limits the bulk you gain and instead grants you a super cardio session plus the additional benefit of immense gains in strength and agility. 
Anyone who has watched any of the numerous TV shows that revolve around surfing will know that almost every guy shown to be surfing is also sporting a killer set of six pacs, complimented by the ripped beach body that women drool over.
The maintenance of balance necessary to surf is the reason for the six pac and the inevitable swimming involved makes for a great cardio session not to mention the resistance.
Which leads us to swimming, the almost proverbial swimmer’s body is known for the high definition and narrow waistlines which give the illusion of larger than life shoulder spans.
Swimming is right on top of the activities that burn high amounts of calories thus ensuring that you get a good cardio workout while also allowing resistance in all the right places to get that perfectly ripped body.
Once again, anyone who watched the reruns from the Olympics will know that no other sport has a consistency of hot bodied athletes quite the way Gymnastics does.
The amount of muscle strength required to move the body at the speeds and levels of precision demanded by the sport along with the restrictions in bulk cause gymnasts to be the proud owners of clean, clear cut physiques with immense levels of solid power.
Think Usain Bolt and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Sprinters are well known for being extremely cut. Since they max out their energy systems through complete anaerobic training, they see extreme metabolic increases after their training sessions and thus burn calories at a vastly accelerated rate all day long.
With metabolic rates that easily overtake the average individual, fat levels are a big no-no when it comes to sprinters. The fast twitch muscle fibers worked under training conditions are a great workout for staying in shape without unnecessary bulk gains. 
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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