Speedo & Little

Jun 19 2014.

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Meet Speedo and Little from the Seychelles

Pet's details -
Names and ages: Speedo (9) Little (6)
Breed: Cats    
Owner: Upeksha Hettiarachchi (18)     


What was the thinking behind naming your pet?

Little: He used to be a scraggly little stray cat who lived in my garden and came to eat off my other cat’s plate. We called him the “little cat” because he was so small.

Speedo: When I first got him, he ran straight out of the house and because he was so fast, we decided to name him Speedo.  When I named him, I wasn’t thinking of super cool fancy sounding names so his name ended up sounding a bit dumb.

What is your daily routine with your pet including meal time, brushing etc?

The first person to wake up gives them their breakfast and they eat dinner around 5pm. They’re typical cats so they usually spend the rest of the day sleeping and sunbathing with occasional games of crazy cat tag in between.

What are their favourite snacks?

Little: Raw chicken skin, cheese and surprisingly, twisties!
Speedo: Bacon and anything pork related.

Do they have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?

Little: He loves to sunbathe in the garden and get his tan on
Speedo:  He likes sleeping inside cupboards and on laptops. Usually you’ll find both of them snuggled up to each other!

Do they like to dress up and take selfies?

They both absolutely hate it although Speedo is more tolerant while Little, in typical cat fashion, only does what he wants to do!

Have you always been a pet lover if so how did it all start?

I was born loving animals!

Who was your first pet?

I got Speedo when I was nine years old and Little came a few years later.

What is it like having a pet?

It's great – There’s always so much love!

What is bath time like – Love it or hate it or a mix of both? Do explain:

I rarely wash my cats but when I do, everything in the bathroom, including me, gets soaking wet because they run everywhere.

How do your cats react when you head out and when you get back home?

Because they’re stereotypical cats, they don’t even look up when I leave but when I get back, they do come for a petting session.

Could you imagine life without your pets?

Definitely not! My life wouldn’t be half as funny as it is now!

What is the most precious moment you share with your cats?

Every moment is precious however I love it when they sleep with me which is very rare.

By Natasha Fernandopulle


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