SL's First Muay Thai Medalist

May 09 2014.

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Dilshard Malik Dane – The first Sri Lankan Muay Thai Medalist

Muay Thai is starting to become very popular in Colombo. Youth from other martial art disciplines have taken up to this sport and have taken it to further heights. One of them being Dilshard Malik Dane who participated in the 1st Muay Boran Championship held recently in Thailand. Making his country, friends and family extremely proud he has won a bronze medal, thus becoming the first Sri Lankan Muay Thai fighter to ever win a medal at an internationally acclaimed Muay Thai championship.

Taking a few moments from his training, Dilshard enthusiastically briefs us about his win and martial arts career.

How did you compete there?

Essentially, these are weight class fights. So I was put in the 57 kg – 60 kg category. There were around 20 countries participating. My fights were with Canada, Lebanon and Brunei. Canada and Lebanon I won against. I lost to Brunei.

Did you instinctively know that you would win or?

I had a feeling I would be getting a medal. There were different types of fighters. I got a massive boost of confidence when I won against Canada. My first thought then was I would go all the way to the finals. My match with Lebanon was one of the toughest matches I have ever fought. I was injured as well and with that I still fought the match and I won.

When did you start practising Muay Thai?

I started practising Muay Thai in 2010. But I have been doing Wushu since I was 13. However I’ve never participated in an international tournament for Wushu.

Why did you transfer from Wushu to Muay Thai?

As a fighter of martial arts, I wanted to check the difference between Wushu and Muay Thai. Having engaged in both sports, I personally feel that Muay Thai is more advanced.

When did you start training for the Championship?

I decided to participate in December. Since then I started training and roughly you can say that for this tournament, I had two months of intensive training.

In general could there be any improvement to this sport here in Sri Lanka?

Well Muay Thai here doesn’t get any support from the government. The entire expenditure for this tournament was borne solely by me. It’s ironic because when you participate in an international level match you represent your country. At the ring they address you by your country.

What plans for the future?

Just because I’ve got a medal, it doesn’t mean I have achieved all that I want in Muay Thai. I won’t stop my learning and I know I have to be educated on a lot more. I hope that I could go to Thailand and train. The training in Thailand (Which I have gotten) is much more advanced and more intense. It’s an opportunity and experience I wish and need to have again.

Dilshard’s Coach Mr. Rohan Thushara from the Muay Thai Club, Colombo observes this victory as a significant mark of Muay Thai in Sri Lanka “It’s a big victory for us. First time a Sri Lankan has ever received something like that in Muay Thai. This is mind you with seriously limited resources and without any support from the government.”

Here in the commercial capital Muay Thai is acquiring a rapid buzz but crucial support for Muay Thai in Sri Lanka alone is slow and fair to say non-existent. If Dilshard can achieve such glory without any backing from any public institution, imagine what he (and those like him) can achieve with such support?

By Shazzana Hamid


  1. Tawan says:

    Sir, I am Thai living in Colombo I would like to meet him to find ways to promote Muay Thai in Sri Lanka. How can I contact him? Thank you

  2. Muf says:

    Hi Tawan, This is our facebook page you may contact us through facebook. Thank you

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