The Commons, which has created a new dimension in Coffee Houses, offers a menu which caters to every palate, including vegetarians. The clientele include from young adults to the corporate, tourist and families who consider The Commons as their Cosy Hangout.
This month The Commons offers a selection of Seafood dishes as its monthly promotion. The menu features seafood in a variety of preparations as a bisque, baked or grilled.
There is mixed Sea food bisque with cheese croutons, Prawn Provencal with buttered fettuccine, Chilli crab cake topped with B.B.Q sauce, Norwegian smoked salmon stuffed grilled red snapper, Sea food rice Creole & Madras mixed sea food curry.
Along with many enjoyable flavours offered with the culinary fare, seafood is also considered a healthy option. Research on seafood consumption has shown compelling evidence of associated health benefits and seafood is considered an important part of a well-balanced diet. It is also a great source of high-quality protein, is low in saturated fat, and is rich in many vitamins and minerals and in general; seafood is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods.
The Commons is one of Colombo’s favourite places, for a relaxed meal to enjoy free wifi while you chill out on a bean bag.
Enjoy the welcoming home-away-from-home ambience and taste the seafood promotion this month at The Commons.