Safety of pets this Avurudu

Apr 10 2014.

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Accidents and unexpected events happen all the time, but in any case your pet’s safety depends on you. As with every year, the avurudu season is right around the corner and most people spend quite a lump sum on firecrackers to welcome the New Year. It is with regret that we observe that firecrackers have become a heavy part of the celebration over the years. Nowadays, almost all households indulge in the fun of lighting these petite explosives and are aware of the safety measures starting with the most heard – child safety. But how safe are the pets in your family?

Many animals find fireworks to be frightful. As opposed to humans, animals have very acute hearing that can be easily affected by loud noises. This can leave them in traumatic conditions both mentally and physically. Common domestic pets such as dogs and cats may even suffer the risk of losing hearing.

Here’s what our readers had to say about the topic at hand:

Nuski Sally - For me, my cat is family and my companion to cheer me up at harsh times. The idea of such a loved member being killed by a cracker is haunting. The safety of pets should definitely be of high priority this avurudu. Protect them and hold them close.

Shanuki De Alwis – It's a known fact that animals have far more sensitive hearing than humans, and what is a mere fire cracker to us is like an explosion to them. The sounds strike fear and terror into the poor creatures, and the trauma is often physical too, not just emotional. People don't realize that animals, especially dogs, actually go deaf and their ear-drums burst thanks to crackers. Animals have even been known to suffer heart attacks caused by the stress. We think it's a big joke but if you could watch how terrified they are, you'd understand. I detest people who pay no regard to the plight of innocent street dogs or pets at home, and continue to enjoy crackers, that are in my opinion nothing but useless and unnecessary causes of noise pollution and injury.

Jason John Wijesuriya – Even if you or your family does not light crackers, someone in your neighbourhood is most likely going to. I think that there are a couple of things that you - as their owner and caregiver – can do to help ease them during that time. It probably isn’t the best idea to leave your pet home alone during the fireworks. They could greatly benefit from having you near them during the loud noises, as it will help calm them down. You could also try to desensitize your dog, by playing him the noise of fireworks at a lower volume and slowly increasing the volume day by day so that he will get used to it. Theoretically it should help, I haven’t tried it out so can’t speak from experience.

Also, if your pet runs and hides under something when he hears fireworks, don’t try to pull him out into the open just yet. Let them be in their ‘comfort zone’ for a bit while you just talk to them and try to ease their fears. It might also help to try and drown out the noise using more familiar sounds such as the television or radio. Maybe play some 1D, ‘cause sometimes dogs feel insecure, I don’t know what for. They’re always turning heads when they walk through the door. I’m pretty sure they don’t need make-up to cover up because being the way that they are is enough. Everyone else in the room sees it.. ..Everyone else but them.

Umaya Guneratne – Talking about responsibility, even if you don’t have pets of your own, your neighbours or loved ones might. And you lighting crackers could disturb or harm them and if they run out onto the roads and get hurt, how badly it would affect their owners…The people you care about. Try to use firecrackers like sparklers that are more child and pet friendly. Even if neighbours can’t be encouraged to do the same, practice it in your own homes and be sure to sit with your pet and reassure them when the noise frightens them.
Also make sure to properly store fireworks and dispose them at the end to make sure your pets don’t try to eat it and end up very sick.

SAFETY MEASURES (Source: SPCA Auckland – Voice for Animals)

Dogs and cats
-    Keep them indoors when the crackers are lit.
-    Make them comfortable by preparing a cozy den for them to relax.
-    Switch on the radio or TV that your dogs and cats are familiar with.
-    Do not leave your pet alone in the house when the fireworks start.

Small animals – Rabbits, Guinea pigs etc.:
-    The hutches or cages of these pets should be brought into a quiet room indoors and must not be kept out to watch the firecrackers.
-    Extra bedding should be given so that the pet feels comfort and warmth in it’s burrow.
-    The cages should be covered with thick blankets/ sheets to reduce the sounds from the firecrackers.

Horses and other livestock:
-    Fireworks must be avoided being set off near these creatures because they tend to be disruptive.
-    Follow all usual routines in grooming and making the animals feel comfortable.
-    Someone experienced should be with the animals while the crackers are set off to ensure safety. However stay out of the animal’s way as you might get hurt.

Let’s make this Avurudu a safe, comfortable and enjoyable one for our pets!

By Hasna Saleem


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