Remembering Bunchi the fighter!

Apr 30 2015.

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Bunchi, did not give up. Initially diagnosed with a kidney failure the vet believed that she couldn't be saved. But after much persuasion from her owner, Bunchi made a miraculous recovery. Unfortunately the miracle was shortlived as she was diagnosed with a womb infection a few months after and as she was too old and weak the doctors refused to take any further risk. She passed away two weeks later, devastating the family to which she belonged to. However, Bunchi will be always remembered for her extraordinary skill to understand and her ability to put a smile on anyone's face (except the postman's).

Pet's details

Name: Lassy/ Bunchi
Breed:  Stray
Age: 17 years (passed away December 2013)
Owner: Yoshini Liyanage

What's the significance of the name you've given her?

She was named after Lassie the dog (movie) but mostly we call her Bunchi. This came up because my mother talks to her in a different language and all of a sudden she called her Bunchi and yeah there it was!

What was a typical day like for Bunchi?

She would walk around with my grandmom. Wherever she goes Bunchi follows her. She also would eat, sleep, play and go for walks.

What were meal times and bath times like?

Breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. She actually drinks milk and eats Marie biscuits for tea. But whenever we ate she ate too because she was so damn greedy and also fat! She hates the word bath; she goes and hides under the bed if she hears it. But yeah somehow we used to bathe her.

Did she do anything out of the ordinary that fascinated you?

Of course. Well, when we would eat, she would sit in front of us waiting for us to give her food and when we threw it at her she caught it. How hard it may be, she somehow put her skills and senses to use and caught it. And also she would eat anything. She'd even eat fruit, and achcharu!

During some occasions we had to make her fall sleep every time the vet came to cut her nails but she just would not fall asleep. The vet said we can’t give her a stronger doze because it’s for elephants! It took so much of time for the doze to actually work. The cutest was when she tried her best to stay awake. She would walk like a drunkard and bark at the vet and then slowly she would fall somewhere!

What annoyed her the most?

Waking her up when she would be sleeping and baths.

What was her most favourite fun time activity?

When she was hyper she would just run all over the place (at full speed) and she would bring carpets, clothes or even her toys to us so that we could play with her.

What was the naughtiest thing she has done?

One day we were all watching TV and she went missing because normally she would sit with us. When we went to check, she had taken the roast chicken from the dining table and finished it!

How did you find her?

Someone had thrown her to our gutter on a Poya day. She was shivering. We thought she might not make it but we saved her.

What was she most afraid of?

Thunder, crackers and the vet.

How did she react when you returned home after a long day?

She would be ecstatic and wag her tail jumping up and down, running around, smiling to greet us in a happy way.

What made her the best?

She was the best because she was loyal, fat, and cute. Also she was with us for so long, she was family. She still is and always will be. You could talk to her. She was there when you needed her. Whenever we were alone she would be next to us. Just can’t put to words how special she was.

What was the most unforgettable moment and you shared with her?

Every moment I spent with her was special and unforgettable. There are just way too many for me but when my granddad left us she understood how sad I was. We all were. She was stood beside us the whole time and in the night she would sleep under his coffin because she understood everything. Something I will never forget.

And also a funny one would be the time when she saw a cat in our garden. She sprinted from upstairs to catch the cat but unfortunately for her the glass door was closed but she decided to go for it anyway and got her nose smashed. I was too busy laughing but my mother went and was pampering her because she was in pain.

By Eshani Seneviratne


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