Red Bull Kart Fight speeds to Sri Lanka

Sep 01 2012.

views 922


A first in pro karting history in Sri Lanka, Red Bull brings the International Kart Fight to Lankan shores. Racers from all over the country stand a chance to enter the World Finals in Italy by winning the competition.

Qualifiers and Finals will be held against the iconic backdrop of Independence Square. The track covers 500 metres. There are 3 preliminary round to chose best 15 to the start line. Split over 4 days, a tiring challenge both mentally and physically, as routines and skills are put to the test at the Independence squire is where the race begins.

The race itself is split into 3 sections:


Stage 1 – Preliminary round – There will be 3 qualifiers . Each qualifier will be open to 100 competitors. 5 x 3 qualifiers will be selected to the finals.

Stage 2 – Finals – the 15 finalist will be competing each other for the Sri Lankan no.01
Stage 3  - Sri Lankan no. 1 will be competing in the international Red Bull Cart Fight to be held in Italy December 2012.


Registrations are done via the Red Bull Facebook page The Red Bull Kart Fight amateur karting competition gives drivers in over 20 countries the chance to experience wheel-to-wheel action and the smell of burning rubber for real.


When: Qualifiers 22nd 23rd & 29th September/Finals 30th September

Where: Independence Square

Time: 2 – 6 p.m.


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