Recipe: Yogurt Strawberries

Mar 05 2013.

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With the weather being so incredible hot, these little gobulets of sweet goodness are sure to keep you as cool as a cumber. They are easy to make and even more delicious to eat. So beat the heat , have a yogurt strawberry instead.

What you need 
Carton of fresh strawberries, whole or sliced
Tablespoon of honey
Carton of greek yogurt
Dash of vanilla
What you need to do
In a large bowl mix together the yogurt, honey and dash of vanilla essence.
Then take either your whole strawberry or halved and dip in the yogurt mixture.
Place on a tray and freeze until set.
These can be either enjoyed by themselves or along with some delicious ice-cream.
Stay cool everyone!!!




By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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