Recipe: Toast and Egg Muffin Cups

Mar 26 2013.

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These delectable little treats are a great way to get your kids to eat eggs. Encased in its very own bread basket, the egg can be served according to the eater’s culinary desires.

Just a plain old egg muffin with salt and pepper, or we can add chopped sausages, boiled flaked fish, chicken, herbs, onions, tomatoes..whatever takes the eaters fancy.

They also fit perfectly in lunchboxes and give your kids the much needed protein boost during their busy school day. An egg a day keeps the doctor away!



Slices of bread







First preheat your oven to 375degrees.

With a rolling pin roll out your piece of bread, trim the edges.

Then take a greased muffin dish and place the bread in each mould, you might have to trim the edges, depending on the depth of your muffin dish.

You do have to have a deep mould to fit in the contents. Brush the bread with melted butter.

Since we like the sausage egg muffins, I put some chopped sausages into the mould first, then crack in a whole egg, making sure it doesn’t spill out of the bread basket.

Place in the oven to bake, if you want it runny, leave it in  for 20 minutes, if well done then 25 minutes.

Just before you take the egg muffin out, top with some grated cheese and salt and pepper to taste.

An extremely delicious way of eating eggs that your whole family will enjoy!



By Mayuri Jayasinghe 



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