Recipe : Sweet Lime Swiss Roll

Oct 13 2015.

views 513

The endearing quality about a good Swiss roll is that it is ever so versatile in terms of flavour. Once the basic Swiss roll base has been assumed one can let their culinary adventures take flight. Sourcing local ingredients found in my garden, I was extra adventurous in my culinary expedition, which surprisingly turned out light, refreshing and extremely delicious. The Swiss roll has stood the test of time and you can make it as versatile as you like, but this recipe for my sweet lime is surely one not to be overlooked. 
- 70 grams egg whites 
- 30grams caster sugar 
- 2 egg yolks 
- 20 grams of cake flour (1 cup of normal flour, take 2 tbsp out and replace with 2 tbsp cornflour) 
- Pinch of salt 
- ½ tsp of vanilla extract 
- 30ml of corn oil 
- ½ tsp of orange essence 
For the filling 
- A cup of thick cream 
- 2 cups of sweet lime juice 
Whisk 70grams of egg whites on medium and not on high until thick and peaks start to appear. Then add 30 grams of castor sugar bit by bit. As soft peaks appear slow down to make the bubbles smaller and prevent over whisking. At the firm peak stage add 2 egg yolks, one by one. Use a spatula and fold it in. First add ½ of the 20 grams of cake flour and a pinch of salt. Then add the remaining cake flour, ½ tsp of vanilla extract, 30 ml of oil. Mix thoroughly and pour in to a 10x7 pan. Place in a 200 degree oven on the middle shelf for 9 to 10 minutes. Once cooked take the base out and immediately using the parchment sheet on the base of the tin lift out the base and leave to cool. Now take a separate parchment sheet and sprinkle with brown sugar, carefully place the swiss base on it. Spread with your prepared filling. Now as if you a roll a sushi, carefully roll an edge of the swiss base, keep rolling until shape has formed. Immensely refreshing and delightfully enticing! 
By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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