Recipe: Peppermint Patties

Feb 26 2013.

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My children’s love of the ‘mint’ flavor is at times worrisome. They will devour a whole tube of mint flavoured candies in a flash before I can even say just ’ONE’. They sit in corners chewing away on mint favoured chewing gum, like a group of cows in a buttercup field.
Mint chocolate chip ice-cream is bought in gallons to satisfy sudden cravings for a cooling treat. And if I’m not watchful my little one will devour half a tube of toothpaste all because in her opinion ‘It tastes refreshingly MINTY Mummy.
So I was extremely delighted when I came across this easy to make Peppermint Pattie recipe. My children were equally delighted by their minty treats and I assumed my culinary genius crown with pride. Here’s how to ‘WOW’ your family this week, with these refreshingly easy to make Peppermint Patties.
¾ cup of condensed milk
1 ½ teaspoon of peppermint extract
4 cups of icing sugar
3 cups of dark chocolate broken into bits
2 teaspoons of butter
In a large mixing bowl, combine condensed milk and peppermint extract.
Beat in enough icing sugar, a little at a time, to form a stiff dough that is no longer sticky.
Form into 1 inch balls, then place on waxed paper and flatten with fingers to form patties.
Let patties dry at room temperature two hours, turning once.
In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate with the butter, stirring often. Remove from heat.
Dip patties, one at a time, into chocolate by laying them on the tines of a fork and lowering the fork into the liquid.
Let cool on waxed paper until set.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


  1. Minty says:

    Hi Mayuri, is peppermint extract available for purchase in SL? Would really appreciate if you can let me know where I can buy some because, I'm a kindred spirit of your children's. :)

  2. Mayuri Jayasinghe says:

    Hello Minty During the past Christmas season, mint extract was available in Food cities and Arpico. Not sure if they have any stocks now. Good Luck

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