Apr 29 2014.
views 2174Randy Boyagoda is a Canadian of Sri Lankan origin. He is a professor of English at Ryerson University in Canada. He has written two hugely successful novels, which attracted international acclaim. His recent book ‘BEGGARS FEAST’ has been published in Sri Lanka by Perera Hussein publishing house, and it has also been published globally under various imprints. Randy will be in Sri Lanka in May to research his third novel and talk about post-colonial literature at ICES on 9th May. In this interview he talks about his literary influences.
First book you remember reading?
A Hardy Boys mystery that had a fantastic glowing green skull on the cover.
What are you currently reading?
Harlot’s Ghost, by Norman Mailer, and Family Life, by Akil Sharma
How do you decide on what book to read?
I’m a book reviewer - if someone pays me to read something, I will. Beyond that, I seek books that either have nothing to do with my professional life or books that speak to my creative or intellectual interests at a remove or angle. So when I’m writing about Sri Lanka, I’m not reading Michael Ondaatje, I’m reading Norman Mailer.
One book you regret having read?
I spent far too much time trying to get into the Roberto Bolano thing - Savage Detectives, 2666, etc. and never felt like the hype was worth it.
Who is your favourite author?
William Faulkner.
If you could ask him/her one question what would it be?
Would you blurb my next novel?
Three newly published books you would recommend?
From the past year or so, I’d recommend This is How You Leave Her, by Junot Diaz; “Little Failure,” by Gary Shteyngart; and the final story from Ben Marcus’ new collection, "Leaving the Sea."
What is your absolute favourite non fiction book of all time ? And why?
St. Augustine’s “Confessions,” because of the fullness of human experience it explores in terms that are at once personal, cultural, philosophical, religious, and cosmic.
What is more important to you in a book, the writing the plot or the conclusion?
Can’t get to a conclusion in any good way without a good plot … so, the plot’s the most important.
If you do re-read books what book have you re-read more than others?
Hemingway and Alice Munro short stories, novels by Saul Bellow and William Faulkner, Genesis and the Gospels.
Is there a particular genre you opt to read? Is there an author who in your opinion defines this genre?
I’m an omnivore.
As a literary enthusiast what have you gained from the books you have read?
More than a questionnaire can ever reveal.
In your opinion the best movie adaptation of a book is?
Not the new Noah movie.
A character in a book you would like to bring back to life and why?
Marlow, from Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, because he’s a hell of a storyteller.
A book or a series that you would love to be adapted into a movie or TV show?
I’m excited to see what HBO plans to do with Faulkner’s works in the coming years.
A memorable book from your childhood?
Probably Enid Blyton stories, as is the case for millions of children throughout the old Empire.
How would you encourage the younger generation to read?
By example, by putting my phone down for a book more often.
By Tina Edward Gunawardhana