Radio Personality Maria Soysa

Jun 26 2014.

views 676

Make your day “lite” with Maria

Maria has been in the scene since she was 13 years old and an amazing drummer and vocalist who manages the playlists on Lite Fm as well as TNL. Maria is one of those voices who can have you hooked unto your radio within seconds. Check out her take on life as an RP.

How did you end up in Radio?

Well I always wanted to be in radio since I was 13. My friend told me that there was a vacancy for a news reader. Since that was the only vacancy at that moment in time I joined the new division. There after I crossed into programming which is what I have been in since 2009.

How has been a musician helped you progress in your career in Radio?

It helps a lot actually. As the assistant manager for Music & Imagery for Lite Fm and TNL you have to constantly feel the pulse of the station. Which would be the music and the imagery. You have to listen, audition new music and imagery as well and being a musician is definitely an added advantage.

Would you consider being in Radio for another 10 years?

Yes, it will always be something I will be involved in.

What do you think is the best thing about coming to work?

The fact that I do something I enjoy!

What was the creepiest thing a caller has told you?
I really can’t remember.
Having the looks how come you never considered TV?
Haha you’re too kind. Well to be honest I never tried TV and if I did I am sure it would be difficult to juggle everything.

How do you go that extra mile to make your show more pleasant?

Well always do research on what’s happening around and then try to personalise the topic. Always get the listener involved as much as you can because they make half of your show. Also remember if you get bored with your content then the percentage of your listener not finding it interesting is high. You need to have fun on your show because even though you may not, you are always heard!


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