Purge Your Pantry

Jul 16 2012.

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Feel like your pantry needs an overhaul? Here’s how you can get it done in a jiffy.


Empty and categorize

The first step is to get everything out of your pantry so you can see what you have and start sorting. Separate items into these four categories:

• Items you use every day
• Items you use less frequently
• Expired or suspicious items to trash

Clean the Shelves  

Now that your pantry is completely empty, take this opportunity to clean off any crumbs off of the shelves and the floor. Then wipe down each shelf with a damp cloth and let dry before reloading. If you need to buy extra containers or organizers to corral items like spice jars, now is the time to do it.


Restock Smartly - Refilling your pantry in organized zones is the best way to ensure you don’t have to do another pantry overhaul in a couple of months. Start by putting baking items (flour, sugar, baking soda, etc.) in one section and breakfast items in another. If you have kids, set up a snack zone so they can find what they need easily and don’t rifle through the other shelves. Keep heavy items on the bottom shelf, and the stuff you reach for every day at eye level. If you have space, place a stepstool near the panty to make reaching high shelves easy.





(Source- Internet)



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