Pretty and posh Pocha

Jun 27 2014.

views 753

Pet's details -
Name and age: Pocha (2)
Breed: Dog

Owner: Demi

What was the thinking behind naming your pet Pocha?

Well… Pocha came with her name. The ones who took her from the streets said they named her Portia (from The Merchant of Venice) but since she didn’t have the grace of Portia and more of a posh attitude, she became Pocha (Posh-Ah!)

What is your daily routine with her?

My my… Well, I have to give her, her morning kisses, take her out to do her toilet business and serve her breakfast which is usually between 7 and 8am. This is followed by a goodbye talk before I go to work. After coming from work I have to give her attention for at least five minutes (otherwise she puts on a sad face). She gets a bath once a week, maybe twice if she goes and gets herself unnecessarily dirty. Paws, ears and everything are check daily for ticks.

What is her favourite snack?

She loves Roti, Bran Crackers and Highland Yoghurt.

Does she have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?

Whenever I am home, her resting place is on top of my legs. She has her paw on my leg and then rests her head on them and I can’t move for hours sometimes because she looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

Does she like to dress up and take selfies?

She hates the camera! The moment she sees me taking my phone and pointing it at her, she looks away. And she hates dressing up!

Have you always been a pet lover if so, how did it all start?

Always! Dogs have bit me, chased me, but that has never stopped me from loving them. Over the years I’ve come to understand how I am to approach dogs that are fierce.

Who was your first pet?

My first pet was Mickey. She was actually the pet of the owners whose house we moved in to. Now I know how cruel those people were because they moved abroad giving the house to us and didn’t even bother about the dog. If we hadn’t taken the house and if some people who didn’t like animals moved in, I can’t imagine what would have happened to Mickey.

What is it like to have a pet?

It makes my life COMPLETE! She loves me unconditionally and the greeting I get, even if I step out for five minutes and return home, cannot be given by any human.

What is bath time like for Pocha?

She loves baths. When we soap her up and start scrubbing, she lifts her legs one by one as if it to say “You missed a spot!” And when it’s time to wipe, I just put the towel on the ground and she will roll all over it trying to wipe herself and once she finishes I continue with the wiping.

How does she react when you head out and how does she react when you get back?

If she’s in the room when I’m getting ready she will be get really hyperactive and run to the door and then pull at my jeans or dress to stop me. If my dad starts putting his sneakers on she gets overly excited because she thinks she’s going to be taken for a walk, and when she is not taken, she will stand near the front door and wait without moving till he returns. When I come home the reaction is like, “Why did you leave me?? Why didn’t you take me?? Why? Why? Why??” and the whining begins J.

Could you imagine life without pretty Pocha?

Actually NO! I just can’t imagine my life without her. She is my everything!

What is the most precious moment you share with her?

Whenever I am sick, she doesn’t bother me and she doesn’t jump on me. Instead she will lie in bed with me, keeping her head on my legs. This is so special to me.

--This space is for all you ardent pet lovers out there. If you are interested in featuring your pet in this column, we’d be more than happy to oblige. Email us to [email protected]

By Natasha Fernandopulle


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