Pet care one on one

May 04 2012.

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Pets like humans have their basic needs . When it comes to the eating habits of your pets it is best to check with your vet on what kind of food is best suited for your pet, the quantity and how often you should feed it. If you overfeed your pet they will become obese and this could result in them having heart and other metabolic problems.

If you have a large pet like a dog or a horse it would be necessary to provide your pet with adequate space to move around freely without being restrained to the house.  If your home does not have sufficient space regular exercise for your pets would be mandatory as it would help control their weight and also would allow your pet to work off any excess energy. Providing exercise for your pet is also a good way to bond with your pet as they tend to run to you full speed ahead when they hear their leash being taken off the hook.

Training your pet to obey certain rules such as not to run out of the gate without their lead will ensure the safety of your pet , as you would then not need to worry about it running on to the middle of the road and getting Knocked down or stolen. You would also be able to keep better control of your pet by asserting yourself as the law and teaching your pet to follow your commands, such as where it is ok for them to pee or that’s it’s not ok for them to jump on you when you walk through the door.


Pets need to feel safe just as much as humans do; therefore owners need to make sure that their homes are suitable for their pets. This can be achieved by simply making your environment pet friendly. Keeping gardens   and easily accessible areas clear of any form of poison is a good start.  Whatever your pet may be ingesting any form of poison is not a good thing.

If you are a first time owner it would be best to do some research on your pet so that you are prepared, it would also be advised to take your pet to the vet to get the appropriate vaccinations just as a precaution. Keep in mind that the pet would be in a new environment and therefore may act afraid and act a little differently initially but this will pass in time. Always remember to have your vets number at hand at all times and call them the minute your pet is acting or showing any signs of abnormality.

The most important thing to remember no matter what your pet is , its wants your love , so love your pet and your pet will love you.


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