Oct 09 2012.
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In the science of Feng Shu, the bedroom is a very important area of the home as it is said to be the place which is used by the occupants for long hours, and the place where all our personal desires and aspirations take shape and are tried out.
Bedroom location, décor and arrangement have a major influence on the occupants and can either aid or hinder the desires. A good bedroom design and décor will not just support the occupant but also speed up the process to enable faster realization of dreams and desires.
If you feel stuck, stagnating or you find no progress either in your career, relationship or marriage prospect, and then it’s time to check your personal space, your bedroom. Explore the possibility of redecorating the room. The process of redecoration primarily cleans up your space and makes it free of clutter, brings in new life and creates the aura of positivity and right frame of mind. This enables you to not only realize your dreams but gives you a clear insight and sensible decision making ability.
Feng Shui bedroom decor is a balanced decor that promotes the best flow of energy for restorative sleep, as well as healing of body, mind and soul. Best Feng Shui colors for the bedroom are considered the so-called "skin colors", and we know the colors of human skin vary from pale white to rich chocolate brown. Choose colors within this range that will work best for your bedroom decor. Using brighter shades on specific walls to accentuate the walls is not a bad idea; however ensure that all the other walls in the room are in neutral shades.
Adding darker, earth tone accents for contrast and to add an “autumn” feeling to the space for the season is acceptable in Feng Shui. Blue with chocolate brown or green with deep maroon or dark beige are two bedroom decorating ideas that create a sense of color balance.
For those seeking a suitable partner or those just married, create a sense of balance in the bedroom and equality in your relationship by placing matching nightstands with matching table lamps on each side of the bed. Items in twos are considered good in Feng Shui, but don't overdo it.
To have a happy married life and a balanced relationship, check on the following aspects of your bedroom arrangement and décor:
Do not place anything under the pillow and ensure there are no heavy metal décor close to the head side of the bed.
Beds with built-in drawers for storage are not recommended in Feng Shui.
Bed should have a good headboard and a supporting wall behind it.
The Bed should be accessed from either side.
Avoid bedrooms with sloping ceiling.
Do not have a chandelier above the bed. Or anything which is suspended from the ceiling right above the bed ( ceiling fans should be slightly away from the upper torso of the person lying on the bed)
Do not sleep directly under the window.
By S.BS.Surendran: Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner