Jun 19 2015.
views 481Are you in an opposing “current”?
Have you ever felt you were swimming upstream, against the current? I have occasionally and in recent times, I seem to be doing that a little too often. Just like the tide turns and the fish often swim effortlessly with the current, I also know that these ‘opposing currents’ will not last too long. A season of opposing currents can have two outcomes. One, we grow stronger or, two – we sink. As my idea of living life to the full is not sinking, I have adopted some ways and means to cope with and overcome the opposing currents.
One : Acknowledge these happen from time to time. I am not the odd one out.
Two : Why is this current opposing me? Is it because I’ve digressed from my path or is it due to an external event that is out of my control. Solution – if I’ve moved away from my path get back to it, and get back to it quickly. If it is external, get help to resolve.
Three : A support network. The value of a support network of valuable people come into focus in a time of crisis. Swimming against the current is such a time. It is a hardship, a burden and an energy draining event. I’ve come to realize that I cannot do this alone. I need the support of those who are stronger, who will stand with me and for me, who will uphold me and encourage me. Delete the naysayers and fair weather friends. Stay with a few whose heart is for you.
Four : Drop the excess baggage. Without realizing it, we often carry excess baggage in life. An opposing current allows me to evaluate what I really need to focus on. A recent experience in a foreign land taught me an indelible lesson for the rest of my life. That I don’t need to keep company with, pander to or tolerate those who are hypocritical enough to exhibit a tolerance towards me where acceptance does not exist. Delete, delete, delete – forgive, yes but forgetting takes time of the instances where I was treated as if I did not exist. I’ve risen above the situation. Although the links established are through a precious relationship, I need not put myself in a difficult situation any more. Baggage was firmly dropped in that foreign land.
Five : Address the priorities and leave the peripherals aside. The current needs my full attention so that I am not dragged into a black hole or get dashed on life’s rocks for the force of the current. Stick with what is most important. Explain where necessary, ignore unfair criticism and focus on tackling the current. My life depends on how I navigate the currents.
Six : The current brings out the best in those around me or the worst. I’ve learnt all the time lovey-dovey flies away when they see me swimming upstream. The quietly strong, rich in wisdom without exhibitionism, stand strong beside me – urging me on to tackle the opposing current. To them, I say a heart- felt thank you. I am just discovering your real worth.
Have you felt an opposing current in recent times and wondered what really is happening around you? That’s probably how life makes us strong. So swim on never fearing the current with your eyes on the goal – getting ahead and out of it and back to your normal life.
All the best!
By Chandi Perera