Jun 09 2015.
views 555Prep yourself for another exciting Open Mic Night at Castelo Kandy!
Have you been searching for the best ways to unravel your talents amidst the right crowd? Look no further! Castelo Kandy is bringing back into the arena the most eagerly awaited Open Mic Night: Kandy once again. June 2015 isn’t going to be another ordinary month when this entertainment extravaganza is just around the corner and this time, it is expected to be much bigger and better. Reserve this day to leave behind your piled up work/college stress and indulge in a heart-warming, spirit elevating cup of coffee surrounded by friendly people and amazing live music at Castelo Kandy.
The Open Mic Night in Castelo-Kandy was initiated by two sensational personas: Kishin Siva and Adrian Selvarajah. This June, they are looking forward to bring together this event for the fourth successful time with the intention of exposing talent. The scheduled evening will showcase live acoustic music, rap, beat- boxing, standup comedy and poetry by gifted young personalities around the city of Kandy, bringing in recognized artists from the industry like Thushini Goonewardene and Clifford Issac, the official photography team “Vital Lens” featuring Jason Eardly, and an international presence from NDTV, along with a magical entertainment by Budshana Kalapuge, and also the Official Recording Label of Open Mic Night: Kandy will be the one and only “4th Note”. The H-magazine team will serve as the official E-Magazine partner for this event while the Anchor for the Night will be Nipuna Ambanpola.
If you are interested in being a part of this pumping Open Mic Night: Kandy atmosphere, doesn’t matter if you’re going to be in the audience or on the platform performing, do visit Castelo on the 20th of June to experience an evening full of music and mirth from 5:30 pm onwards.
Contact the event organizers on 077 3821219 for registrations and visit the Facebook page of Castelo Kandy for more details on the event.
By Stephanie Sansoni