Nadun Reshantha

Jun 20 2014.

views 1033

Nadun Reshantha launches debut single

Nadun Reshantha has been a big fan of music since he was a youngster but never thought he was good enough to get up onstage and sing. With the dawn of the new millennium and the vibrancy that established musician Kasun Kalhara brought into the local music arena, Nadun was inspired to pursue his musical talents and started his mission to track down Kasun and train under him.

Being brought up in Anuradhapura, resources were scarce and one day while helping out a friend with some music, his friend realized how much potential Nadun had and introduced him to Nadeek Guruge who immediately though that he was good to go to the masses and started working on Nadun’s first single “Greeka Purawatha” along with Chaminda Rathnasuriya who has penned the lyrics for songs such as “Cinderella”,” Dafodil mala”, “malpita mal” and many other local chart toppers.

The song speaks about a middle aged man who wants to settle down in life but can’t seem to find “The One” because he always keeps running into better “Eye Candy”. Speaking about the music composed by Nadeeka Guruge, Nadun says “we wanted to do something distinctive which doesn’t sound that familiar to the audience by using fundamental instruments such as Piano, Violin, Cellos and Base Guitar and leave out the percussion and we really wanted to highlight how strongly a human voice can be used in modern day musical creations where electronics have been used to create nothing but noise".

Another special feature in this song is that for the first time ever since he has been working with artistes, Nadeeka Guruge makes an appearance in this music video as he has cherished this creation since it’s inception.

The video can be found on Youtube under the title ”Greeka Purawatha”.

By Reihan Stephen


  1. Harry Gunethilake says:

    Known him for the last 7-8 yrs and has become a fan of him personally . Undoubtedly talented and his focus will take him to places soon . Well done Reshan

  2. Reshantha says:

    Hi Harry Thanks a lot for the comment and I ll do my Best

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