My Pet and Me

Jun 05 2014.

views 944

Meet Hugo & Junior!

Pet's details

Name/s and age/s:  Hugo (11) and Junior (6)
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Owner: Marietta Cooray

What was the thinking behind naming your pet?

The name should have some kind of significance to the pet.

What is your daily routine with your pet including meal time, brushing etc:

They both start their day with milk and biscuits, then they go into the garden after which they are taken in. They have lunch then dinner and are taken out to the garden to play and run. On certain days they go on a walk and they are brushed almost every other day.

What is their favourite snack?


Do they have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?

Under my bed and behind my father's bed.

Do they like to dress up and take selfies?

Never tried dress-up with these two! Hugo likes his selfies but Junior isn’t too keen on them.

Have you always been a pet lover?

Yes! I have been one all my life!

Who was your first pet?

A stray named Brownie.

What is it like having a pet?

They are the happiest to see us back home and the saddest to see us leave... It’s unconditional love... It’s amazing...

What is bath time like - Love it or hate it or a mix of both?  Do explain.

Both my dogs love the water. Thus bath time is a fun time for them. Hugo is well behaved whilst having a bath where as Junior ends up giving me a bath!!

How do they react when you head out of the house and how do they react when you get back home and what is it like for you?

Hugo walks with me to de door and watches me as I leave with the saddest pair of eyes that makes me want to run back to him. When I come back, he will corner me and make me scratch his ears. Junior does not react so drastically when I leave but goes nuts when I return.

Could you imagine life without your pets?


What is the most precious moment you share with your pet?

Almost every moment I spend with my boys is special...

By Natasha Fernandopulle


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