Oct 13 2014.
views 970Fashion Education from Paris to Colombo: MOD’ART International Paris launched in Sri Lanka
Mod’Art International is a renowned French fashion school offering fashion education in partnership with Perpignan University of France. It has many branches around the globe, catering to students who are keen on learning the nuances of fashion creation and designing from undergraduate to postgraduate levels. Mod’Art International is accredited by Campus France, the French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student service and international mobility; Erasmus+, EU programme for education, training, youth and sport; and IDRI (Institut De Relooking International), attesting to the recognition that Mod’Art has achieved for their world class programmes on offer.
“Mod’Art venturing into Sri Lanka, is going to provide immense opportunities for fashion students who wish to become future fashion professionals. We bring Fashion Education from Paris to Colombo through Mod’Art for Sri Lankan and South Asian students in order to provide the world’s finest education in fashion from the Fashion Capitol,” said Niroshani Leanage, Managing Director of Mod’Art Sri Lanka Branch and LIFT (PVT) Ltd. “This is a vey special degree, because Mod’Art is a world recognised institute for fashion creation and management. Mod’Art Sri Lanka is a franchise of MOD’ART International launched by the Lanka Institute Of Fashion Technology. We have been in the Fashion Education sector for nearly 15 years and launching Mod’Art for 2015 is a significant event in our 15th successful year.”
Mod’Art Sri Lanka, will offer two programmes - Bachelor (Hons) in Fashion Design and an MBA in Luxury Goods and Fashion Industries. These will commence from January 2015 and 2016 respectively.
All modules conducted in Sri Lanka will mirror the academic courses offered at Mod’Art International Paris, and is offered in partnership with Perpignan University of France. Further, students who enrol in Mod’Art Sri Lanka will be able to transfer to Mod’Art International at various levels of the course for undergraduate or postgraduate education.
The Bachelor (Hons) in Fashion Design will delve into the areas of women’s wear, men’s wear, lingerie, kids wear and fashion accessories - covering the whole spectrum. Further, as part of the curriculum, students will have to complete internships each year and Mod’Art Sri Lanka has already partnered with key companies to provide the necessary opportunities. Students also have the option of for their third and fourth years - enrolling in Mod’Art International in Paris to avail themselves of internship opportunities with leading designers such as Dior, Chanel and many other design houses.
Students who study at Mod’Art Sri Lanka will have the privilege of studying French as part of their curriculum and the classes with necessary levels of DELF will be conducted by Alliance Française de Kotte. Further students at Mod’Art Sri Lanka will be given the opportunity to visit Mod’Art International in Paris where they will get a firsthand experience of the Parisian lifestyle, city, education and much more.
Mod’Art Sri Lanka, a franchise of Mod’Art International, was launched on 10th October, 2014 at the BMICH. For more information please visit 87, Horton Place, Colombo 7.