Dec 25 2014.
views 1179Bath time aside, Sam enjoys every moment she shares were her adorable pooches Suey, Jack and Twinky. They are fun loving and naughty and love peanut butter!
Pet's details -
Names: Suey (10 years), Jack (5 years) and Twinky (1 year)
Breed: Mutt
Owners details -
Name: Sam Weerawardane
What was the thinking behind naming them?
Suey: She was almost completely black as a puppy so we thought Sooty would be cute. Then we got lazy saying it so it morphed into Suey.
Jack: We found him outside our house as thin as a rake with his ribcage showing like a skeleton, so we named him after Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas). Don’t worry – he’s fat and fluffy now!
Twinky: Had a tough time naming her. She wouldn’t respond to anything. I noticed her first collar had little stars and fish bones on it (yes, it was meant for cats but it was the only one that fit her at the time), so we tried ‘Twinkle’, which immediately got her attention. Then we got lazy again and it became Twinky.
What is their daily routine like?
Twinky is the first to wake me (by staring at me and prodding me in the face). I take them for a walk around 7 and they have their lunch at around 8am. On a weekday they spend the day in the garden while we’re at work, and they have their dinner when we get home. I give them a bath on Sundays – an activity none of us particularly enjoy.
What’s their favourite snack?
They all get pretty psyched about peanut butter.
Do they have a particularly favourite snoozing and hanging out spots?
Suey has a chair by the window that she prefers sleeping on. Jack sleeps on the floor under a fan and Twinky is usually on someone’s bed.
Do they like being dressed up and photographed?
Suey hates it! She won’t sit still long enough for a photo, which is why most of the ones I have of her are of her falling asleep. Jack is probably the most photogenic (soulful chocolate eyes). Twinky generally just ends up looking a bit demented.
Have you always been a pet and animal lover?
Yes, I grew up in a house that had a minimum of one hamster, one dog, one fish and one bird at all times.
Who was your first pet?
A desert dog named Bruno.
What is having a pet like?
Having three dogs, there is never a dull moment. Even as I type this, Twinky is trying to stand on the keyboard!
What is bath time like for the threesome?
It is a long and arduous process that none of us enjoy. But it has to be done. Suey gets particularly stinky by the end of the week.
How do Suey, Jack and Twinky react when you head out and when you return home?
Depends – If they get to stay indoors because someone else is home, they just impassively watch me leave. If I leave them in the garden, though, there’s a lot of wailing and barking. When I get home they always jump up to sniff my mouth and see what I’ve eaten.
Could you imagine life without them?
This question is a bit difficult… There’s something about the company of dogs that humans can’t really emulate. My life wouldn’t feel empty, but it would certainly feel incomplete without a dog.
What is the most precious moment you share with them?
I don’t know, they’re all pretty important to me – except bath time! Ugh!
By Natasha Fernandopulle