Meet Pinky!

Sep 10 2015.

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Saying Bow-wow to Pinky!  
Meet this absolute cutie of a Yorkshire Terrier - fondly known as Pinky! Unlike other dogs, Pinky has an owner who is obsessed with photographing her constantly and although Pinky hates to admit it, she loves giving her best poses. (Pinky wouldn't want to let her owner know that though!). Never heard of a dog that would perform somersaults to show content, have you? Well congratulations! Now you have. 
Pet's Details  
Name: Pinky
Breed:  Yorkshire Terrier
Age: 8 years
Owner: Rosemary Jayatilleke 
What's the significance of the name you've given her? 
When she was a very small puppy, she looked like a pink coloured ball. So, I named her Pinky, which I thought to be the colour of healthy skin. 
What is a typical day like for Pinky? 
Pinky baby wakes up early in the morning and knocks on our door letting us know that she wants to go out. She then makes her way into the garden running along to check every nook and corner.  She also barks when she hears her “big sister”, Lassy, barking. However most of her days are well spent sleeping and her favourite hangout spot is the tiled floor of the dining room. 
What are mealtimes and bathtimes like? 
Pinky does not worry much about mealtimes but she needs to be handfed. Her favourite food includes roast chicken, cheese, beef liver and fresh milk. She also enjoys Tiffin biscuits and is very fond of bathing but she despises the sun. After freshening up, she loves going into a deep sleep. 
Does she do anything out of the ordinary that fascinates you? 
After having her meals, she has the most amusing habit of performing somersaults probably to show that she's overjoyed. 
What annoys her the most? 
Pinky gets annoyed when I try to photograph her as she tends to get exhausted after all the posing. Many of her photographs have already been featured in the Pet Pic(k)s column of Daily Mirror. 
What is her most favourite fun time activity? 
She loves going out with me for walks and also likes to go on rides in vehicles. She really enjoys the cool breeze. 
What is the naughtiest thing she has done? 
Whenever we go out of the house, she shows her anger by tearing up any newspapers or magazines lying around, and scratches up all the walls. She also tries to run away whenever we open the gate and it gets worse, when she runs out, ignoring me making me run after her calling her name out for her to come back. However she is also a good hunter and enjoys chasing after birds, rattlesnakes, rats and cats. At times she ends up hurting them but I doubt it's intentional. 
How did you find her? 
We found her in a pet shop and we liked her immediately. 
What is she most afraid of? 
She is really scared of fireworks, thunder and lightning and becomes restless and looks for a place to hide. In addition she also dislikes the flash of cameras and mobile phones. 
How does she react when you return home after a long day? 
She warmly welcomes me by running all over the house wagging her tail continuously and then jumps on to me. She then likes to investigate her way through the marketing bags carried by me. 
What's makes her the best? 
She shows us her unconditional love every single time. Whenever known people visit us, she is the one who rushes out first to welcome them by jumping up and down, wagging her tail and barking. 
What's the most unforgettable moment that you shared with her? 
One particular day after a bath, she ran out of breath due to water clogging her breathing passage and she started struggling for breath for about half an hour. I got really frightened at the sight of her and I immediately prayed to God to spare my little darling. I'd never forget that moment! 
By Eshani Seneviratne


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