Sep 11 2014.
views 933
Spoilt, charming and handsome Kaizer
Pet's details:
Name: Kaizer (2 years)
Breed: German Shepherd
Owner: Ashan de Silva
What was the thinking behind naming your pet?
I studied German history back in School, and the title of Kaiser meant “Emperor”, so with a slight spelling alteration we had the name “Kaizer".
What is Kaizer’s daily routine like?
Kaizer is an extremely spoilt brat! He demands his morning walk and the routine scaring away of the neighbourhood dogs, followed by his milk with Nestum and cereal (which has to be chilled!). He gets brushed every other day and wiped with a wet towel in the mornings. During work days as I would be away till evening he gets pampered by my parents with endless petting and chilled milk whenever he needs it and when I get back, he has his play time followed by his dinner which mind you has to be “hand fed” by my mum or me.
What is his favourite snack?
Ox liver! He lives for that.
Does he have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?
He is seldom kept in a kennel, wherever my dad is where he would be because those two are inseparable!
Does Kaizer like to dress up and take photographs?
He is not really in to dressing up, but he is quite fond of being photographed! In fact, he’s quite the star on Instagram. All his videos and adventures can be found on Instagram: A_S_H_A_N
Have you always been a pet lover if so how did it all start?
I have been rearing dogs and been a crazy dog person for almost 28 years. It all began when I was three years old and I adopted a stray dog which after three months had to be returned because it turned out it was a run-away. After being miserable at losing my first pet, a known person to the family got me this pup and since then I’ve always been fond of dogs. I’m mortally scared of domestic cats, so no cats. In addition to dogs, I’ve had fish and a few tortoises who needed a home.
Who was your first pet?
Bingo, a locally bred dog that lived 13.5 years!
What is having a pet like?
It is the most amazing bond you will ever have, it’s a comfort to know that no matter what or how bad a day they may have had or how sick or tired they maybe… they will ALWAYS love you for who you are and they build their whole world around you. It’s an unexplainable bond!
What is bath time like for Kaizer?
Oh it’s a breeze, after a bit of running around the house, wrestling, chaining and restraining him and pleading with him to stay still, he settles down like a good boy... Until drying time that is.
How does he react when you head out of the house and upon your return?
Kaizer knows exactly what my clothes are, so no sooner he sees the work clothes on, he constantly whines and pouts but when I return, it is a habit that I spend a few minutes with this circus dog, who’d jump up and at me (he is 45 kilos mind you, and it takes a little getting used to!) before I even speak to my parents.
Could you imagine life without your pet?
NO! Sure it’s a lot of responsibility and work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
What is the most precious moment you share with Kaizer?
When we got Kaizer at six weeks, he was a tiny little tot, and one morning (two days after we brought him home) he wandered off in to the garden on his own and lost his bearings and was howling away and the moment I appeared he just leapt on to my lap and hid there and refused to get down. It was at that moment I think, that our bond really kicked off!
By Natasha Fernandopulle
tana says:
Sep 11, 2014 at 12:00 amane hes a cute doggi...i have the same kind hes 5 years male ..seems to be a same kind of spoilt only child syndrome i think its the german shepard gene .....what does he do with the tortise.....i ask this becuase i know they pick them up like coconuts and take them for walks and both the tortise and dog are ok with that somehow.....does not hurt the torti but something they both enjoy....i never understood about them should try ice cream they love ice cream tooo but yea your luck