Mar 25 2015.
views 830Licensed to Grill, definitely one of the newer experiences to Kandy, this crew of 3 decided to set the bar high for street cuisine in the hills, and they did just that.
Licensed to Grill is a hard to miss place in Kandy, with an open hut concept and mouth-watering Aroma, it is honestly a rather challenging task to walk on by without the need to at least satisfy your budding curiosity of what this place actually is. What “Licensed to Grill” offers is a wide variety of wraps and sandwiches, all with delightfully flavored meat variations, fresh salad, spiced up home-made sauces, and some delicious wraps along with a mouth-watering home made garlic bread.
The wraps essentially are available in a variety of flavors and 2 types of meat, chicken and beef, which can be ordered in variables, having time on my hands, I had the opportunity to taste not one, but two items on the menu, a “Steak Wrap” and the “ Tandoori Chicken” sandwich. The wrap being prepared in the open stove gives scope to the high standards of hygiene being utilized by these chefs, gloved hands moving swiftly on the sizzling steak, raining down home-made sauces, tossing fresh salad and laying a slice of cheese atop the meat as it melts into the perfection it was about to become. Tucked neatly in a red wrapper it finally arrived, a steaming hot wrap with a mouth watering aroma, going for your first bite would result in a shocking your taste buds, the wrap is definitely a treat, packed with a punch full of flavors and perfect textures it’s a challenging task to find ill with the “Steak wrap”.
The “Tandoori chicken” sandwich having the aromatic power to send your mind on a blissful journey to the lands of spices and everything nice, which was also a visually stimulating treat to watch being prepared was the highlight of my time spent at “Licensed to Grill”. The tandoori chicken sizzled upon the stove as the home-made garlic bread has a drizzle of olive oil getting warmed up, again by choice, a slice of cheese neatly laid atop the sizzling chicken chunks until melted to perfection, tucked between the warm bread and sandwiched by fresh salad and a slice of tomato the sandwich arrived. The aroma was only stronger now that it was finished, visually very appealing and definitely the best decision for the taste buds, the first bite was a transition to the late night streets of Bangalore city, undoubtedly capturing a slice of Indian street food these chefs managed to utilize their own twist into the recipe of this perfect sandwich.
Coming to a conclusion I realized what gateways “Licensed to Grill” has opened to any aspiring culinary artist in Kandy, definitely a newer experience to the people of the Hill Capital, and definitely an experience not to be missed by anyone in, around or visiting the Hill Capital.
With prices easier on your pocket than you might expect, and quality unmatched by most street food shops, “Licensed to Grill” is arguably one of the best places for a clean and scrumptious meal, the service unmatched with a crew of polite chef’s and food delicious enough that it might leave you craving for more.
nishantha says:
Apr 15, 2015 at 12:00 amwow great opportunity