Jun 11 2014.
views 733June Promotions at Gloria Jean’s Coffees Sri Lanka
Father’s Day: Walk into Gloria Jean’s Coffees on June 15 with your dad and he gets a beverage of his choice for free. If your father loves his coffee, then what better way to celebrate on Father’s Day than a steaming cup of cappuccino or even an iced latte.
Cappy Hour: Part of the international marketing campaign by Gloria Jean’s Coffees, the Cappy Hour is a specialized promotion set to take place every weekday from 4.30PM-7PM. A separate beverage menu will be available for customers and patrons, and these will include discounts and offers.
Business Of The Day: This promotion is targeted towards offices where they are encouraged to have their business and/or lunch meetings out of their workplace and at Gloria Jean’s Coffees. A private space can be arranged prior to the meeting for your convenience.
Lounge Parties: Just what you require for that private event or party you want to host. Gloria Jean’s Coffees will organize a private space for the event and will take care of everything from beverages to food. If it is a small number of people, a day’s notice is required but if it is a larger amount, a week’s notice is advisable.
Book Swap: This event will take place towards the end of June and will involve book swapping between its guests and will prove to be a perfect pairing with coffee.
By Sarah Kellapatha
Pics by Kushan Pathiraja